Vi x Reader (reunion)

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"VI! NO PLEASE! SHE'S JUST A KID PLEASE!" y/n Yells "YOUR A TRAITOR Y/N!" as she walks away leaving powder and Y/n stranded in the middle of the fire, Vander's body burning within the fire that seemed to burn as Hot as the pain in Y/n chests, wondering where she went wrong......

Y/n's Pov
The undercity never seems to sleep, it's awake 24/7, like a beast waiting for the right moment to pounce. Walking through the streets of Undercity, y/n ponders. Heading towards the last drop for her meeting with Her adoptive father Silco. Well you can't call Silco a father for Y/n, after Vi left, Y/n and powder well now Jinx were taken in by Silco, Y/n worked handling the administrative work for Silco while going to Piltover for studies as well. "Took you long enough" Silco says "I was busy" "Hmm whatever, is my work done?"Silco asks, "Yes, That explosion by jinx did cause a lot of chaos in Piltover, but don't worry, Marcus has it in control, it's under control" Silco nods clearly satisfied. "Take a break, Go to jinx u know how she is" "Silco, i need to talk to you, you should stop being so harsh with Jinx, she is still a kid Ya know" "Y/n i don't have time for this ok, please leave me alone and send Sevika in here" Silco says at y/n. Y/n sighs and leaves to Find Jinx. "Jinx? Jinx!! JINX!" "THAT'S MEEE!" jinx exclaims, "Jinx half a dozen enforcers dead, a building blown to pieces! What were you thinking!! What if you got hurt huh!!" Y/n says, "GEEZ!! Relax Y/n I assure you i am safe!!!" She twirls around signalling towards her body, show casing that she is not hurt. "Jinx still-" "SHHH! Look!" Jinx says while waving a Blue orb in front of me, "wow...." "I KNOW RIGHT!" Jinx says happily.  She walks up to a pole structure at the corner of the fan and ejects multiple bombs while screaming "HAPPY PROGRESS DAY!". She walks up to me with a smile "Jinx, This is amazing! Your amazing!!! I mean like just think what could we all do this from just a single orb!" "yES! That's why I stole it!" Jinx says, "I'll go Tell Silco about this okayy??" Jinx says with clear happiness I nod and let her go.

Jinx's Pov
HEHE! I still can't believe I pulled this of! Did u see Y/n! She was so Happy! Since Vi left she has been more than a sister to me, and i couldn't be more grateful for this, but i still wonder what If Vi was still here. Jinx Thinks as she walks towards Silco's office only to find sevika on the couch across from Silco's desk "UGG! What is this Ogre doing here!" Jinx enters, "Jinx" Silco says. "Silcoooo, i have something to show you!" "What is it?" Jinx giggles "You'll see!"

Y/n's Pov
Since Jinx was busy with the entire work, i Decided to head to the Last drop for a drink or two, well its never too late to drink is it?? My day was going ,well i had a few drinks in, i was having Fun maybe a little tipsy??. It was all good! Until I saw a very familiar blue haired enforcer looking clearly lost, i walked towards her slowly and grabbed her arm pushing her to a corner booth. "wHO-" "Cait! What are you doing here??" I say in a hushed tone "Oh! Y/n! Thank the gods i found u here! Where were you! I didn't see u at the academy as well!" I sigh "Caitlyn, do u realise where u are?, And what could have happened!!" I say clearly angry. Caitlyn a little taken aback by my harsh nature "But-t-t" "NO buts! We are going to my apartment right now, no questions!" I say pushing her out of the booth, and out of the last drop, Welll my life does seem to hate me doesn't it?? As I was walking towards my apartment Caitlyn screamed "Vi! I am here!!", I felt my blood run cold, I turned back to see a very familiar pink haired Girl she came stalking towards us Angry, "Relax! Y/n here is friendly! Ik her from the academy, calm down Vi!!". I saw something click in Vi's Face as if Pieces of a puzzle she was trying to solve finally fit together, "Y/n...." But before she could ever say anything else i was already quick on my boots running away. I couldn't believe my eyes! It can't be... But what if! I ran straight to Jinx to tell her what i saw!"


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