Chapter 17

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Katsuki for the first time felt warm, his body was on top of the sleeping Shoto and he smiled, placing a kiss on Shoto's chin. One of Shoto's hand was placed on his ass, he blushed at the feeling. Soon Katsuki's eyes began to feel heavy all over again and he fell asleep.

The sun was setting and Katsuki was on the bed all alone, he called out for Shoto but there was no answer. He shifted his foot of the bed as his warm feet met the cold ground.

Katsuki placed on his slippers before going downstairs in the common room area, where he Shoto with the rest. He made his way over and sat beside Shoto.

"What are you doing down here?" Katsuki asked

"Interacting with everyone, did you have a good sleep?" Shoto asked placing a kiss on Katsuki's forehead

"I did, but you left and I began to feel a bit cold." Katsuki answered

"My bad babe, I just wanted to talk to everyone like we did before." Shoto said as Katsuki placed a kiss on his lips.

"Look at you two acting all lovey dovey." Mina said

"How are we supposed to act then?" Katsuki asked

"Just as you are, invite me to the wedding please." Mina answered making Katsuki blush.

"Oh babe, your blushing." Shoto said

"Shut the fuck up." Katsuki replied

"Oh you are still short-tempered." Shoto said as he squeezed Katsuki's thigh.

"So what are going to do now? Are we going to sit here and pretend that one of our classmate is going to die in the future?" Izuku asked

"Izuku calm your horses, this isn't going to happen now, it's going to happen when we are adults. When everyone have kids. Now we should focus on the fight that's going to happen in the next two weeks. The fight that will leave me injured and my will to have children vanished." Katsuki said as his hands touched his abdomen.

"I will protect you Katsuki, so stay in my eye sight, how bad did it hurt?" Shoto asked

"So bad that I had to stay in the hospital for two months to recover, but I don't want you getting hurt to save me." Katsuki answered

"Don't worry about me, worry about yourself. I promised that I will protect you so as your boyfriend let me do my job." Shoto said

"I know you said you will protect me, but who will protect you. What if you get hurt because of me?" Katsuki said

"Babe, my worry is you and you only. remember what you told me. I will protect you, I promise you." Shoto replied

"Do you want me to cry in front of the class? I risked everything to come to you, I don't want you hurt." Katsuki said

"I've made up my mind and that is final, through out this mission, we should protect you." Shoto said and the tear that build in Katsuki's eye rolled down his cheek, Shoto saw it.

"I want you safe Katsuki even if it means risking my life." Shoto said kissing Katsuki's forehead

"Don't you dare say that, we have to help each other. What am I going to do if you aren't here with me?" Katsuki said and the class watch as the scene unfolds in front of them.

"Babe, calm down, we will help each okay?" Shoto said making Katsuki nod.

There was no way Katsuki was going to risk his life or Shoto's just to save the citizens.

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