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Y/n's POV

It's weekend and I'm ready for my work. Tidying my place a little bit before I'm off to work. My phone chimes and the screen lit up. With a smile on my face, I reached for it.


Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : Getting ready for work?

Y/n 💦 : yup
Y/n 💦 : wait a damn minute
Y/n 💦 : how did you know?
Y/n 💦 : are you stalking me?

Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : You wished.
Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : You told me before.
Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : You don't remember?

Y/n 💦 : the only thing i remembered
is you screaming my name out loud ;)

Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : I'M
Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : GOING
Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : TO
Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : KILL
Lizzie 🧚‍♀️ : YOU!!!

Y/n 💦 : be my guest then
Y/n 💦 : but you should wait
for your turn tho
Y/n 💦 : apparently there's a queue

10 minutes later

Y/n 💦 : Lizzie?


"How dare this woman ignored me?" I mumbled with a smile on my face. Tucked the phone in my coat safely, I grabbed my helmet and keys before leaving my apartment. After 35 minutes of ride, I arrived at the club. Juggling the helmet and my bag, I stepped into the club. Joker greeted me by raising his hand before continue doing his job. I make a way towards the changing room and put on my uniform before going behind the bar.

"Busy night, huh?" I said it out loud to overcome the music that has been blaring loudly. "You bet." Joker smile at me and continue taking order. While me on the other hand, busying prepping all the ingredients. Pouring the unforgivable mixture into the shot glass. Mixing the burning liquid that will make people regret the next morning.

I was making a drink, turning my back to the club when someone tapping their finger the bar to gain my attention. Turning my heels, I see a beautiful angel smiling at me. That red dress really brings out the color of her eyes and perfectly wrapped her perfect body. Like match made in heaven. My eyes trailing off from her eyes, to her perfect nose, to her beautiful lips, to her kissable neck and to....

"My eyes up here, sexy." Her silky voice purring into my ear. Giving me chills down to my spine.

My hand still shaking the shaker while my eyes now goes back into hers. "You can't blame me if my eyes can't stay at one place." I winked at her, gaining a seductive laugh that escaped from her beautiful lips.

Her lips really is my guilty pleasure. She bring her lower lip between her teeth while drawing an invisible circle. "Two Gin Martini, please. Oh, and please do the best you can. If you want me to scream your name again tonight." She winked back at me. A chuckle escaped from me before I making her drinks.

"Who came here with you tonight?" I asked while mixing the ingredients. I didn't even bother to look at her.

"As usual. Scarlett is my wingwoman," Lizzie's words make me snapped my head to her.

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