I can finally rest in peace...

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"You do understand its just gonna bother you for life, right?" Mouse asks as I adjusted myself to be more comfy on the couch
"Nah, I finally got that story off my chest after so many sessions..." I sigh
"That therapist is so rushy. What are they doing after you leave? It's only been like half an hour this time!! There's plenty of time in the world for you to just make that into a book in one week rather than talking to someone else about that story for over a year. You could have been a wellknown author in the time you went to therapy," Mouse conplains
"Hey, that poor therapist let me rant for over three hours when you forced me to go!!" I laugh
"Fair but that doesn't mean that you get only half an hour now to just say that Bonnet caused Sam's death even though we both know he did that to himself!! You saw the look before Sam died, there's no way Bonnet would have done that especially after crying about not being able to hurt him!!" Mouse exclaims
"I don't know what you're talking about, he was threatening to end his life after ending both of ours. Bonnet would protect us from meeting both my parents in heaven!!" I threw my hands into the air and leaving them there
"I think if that were actually Socrates, he would protect us. But it's not the case, Bonnet didn't wanna hurt the only person he ever loved. Even if Sam was a murderer or an innocent, Bonnet would never harm a single particle on and around Sam," Mouse giggles, ruffling my hair. I looked up at them and grabbed their face with my dangling arms. I pulled them into a kiss
"You're right, maybe Sam did kill himself when he heard himself say 'Bonnet'," I smile
"I'm just glad you're getting better, I was getting worried that you might drive yourself into sanity if I didn't bribe you into going into therapy," Mouse smiles back
"More like tricked, where's the happy fun times you promised me? You said we would go to a really fun place and do some fun stuff!! I thought we were going to Dave-n-Busters or some bowling alley!!" I whine
"Oh I'll take you to the sea if you really wanna have fun~!" Mouse teased. I gasped
"WE'RE GOING ON A CRUISE SHIP?!" I exclaim in excitement
"Heh... wrong boat but close..." Mouse smirked
"What do you mean? A swanboat? Loveboat? Speedboat? Sailboat? I'm fine with jetskis!!" I try to guess with even more excited
"I thought you read the book," Mouse snickered
"OH!!" I froze. Mouse giggled
"I'm joking, I meant a house boat for a vacation away from New York for a while so you can give yourself a break," Mouse laughed
"Oh..." I frowned
"Plus I think we might wanna go on that boat again after we get married. Not fun while on the cold, hard ground," Mouse jokingly comments
"Yeah... maybe..." I mumbled to myself, thinking about Mouse looking really handsome in a wedding suit or whatever they're comfortable with.
"What was that?" Mouse asked with a smirk on their dark, blushing face
"I'm kidding too, I wanted to play with you after you played with me!!" I exclaim, stretching and sliding onto Mouse's lap
"I love you too, idiot," Mouse smiled
"Daww you don't mean that!! You know you're the lovable idiot!!" I exclaim
"No, you are! I'm your lovable rodent friend who smells like flowers!!" Mouse smiles wider
"You do smell like flowers and I love it," I admire their handsomeness and strong smell of flowers
"So, when do you think you'll be done with your sessions?" Mouse asks, caressing my face
"I dunno, I hope soon cause I hate the therapist. There just doesn't seem to be enough time for me to get everything off my chest and figure out why Sam wanted to get rid of Alexis's entire existence... plus how long he's been in love with Bonnet... and why he acted the way he did on his death..." I sigh
"Maybe you can stop going the month of my birthday, I really wanna go on that house boat!!" Mouse happily bounces
"Me too, Mouse, me too,"

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