Thanks a lot...

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Mouse and I cleaned up some glass from a broken window and threw it into a corner. We then escaped through the window and went into the house that was the firestarter. It was completely empty apart from ashes and debris. Like no one lived in the house with no furniture, not even appliances. I was baffled, there wasn't any evidence. I was disappointed and feeling distraught, falling to my knees as I looked into the empty house with tears fogging my vision. Mouse sat down next to me and hugged me in attempt to comfort me
"Shit!! I can't believe that fucking bitch!! Of course he burned down the house with no one in it!! He wanted to kill Socrates!! He did all this on purpose!! No wonder he wasn't arrested seventeen years ago!! They never found any evidence, therefore they can't fucking arrest some guy!!" Bonnet hissed, kicking the ground in frustration as if he was trying to destroy the earth beneath him. He was punching the ground as if he were punching someone, maybe my stepdad, before falling flat onto his elbows and knees into tears.
"I can't hurt him... even if I could... I can't bring myself to do it..." he softly cried. He bashed the ground with his fists one last time before finally giving up to cry
"We can still confront him-" Mouse starts
"AND HAVE YOU TWO KILLED?! You two don't deserve to die, especially not to his hands. You can't do anything, nothing but hide," Bonnet yells from the top of his lungs
"We can't hide forever, we have to bring justice to that murderer!!" Mouse yells back. Bonnet went silent
"Wait... you can see and hear me...?" Bonnet gasps in realization
"I think I might... I saw you get thrown into the house so maybe it was something about you getting injured in Sam's body did something to you..." Mouse trails off
"But that doesn't matter right now, we need to go as soon as Mali is ok," Mouse speaks up. I hugged them, feeling my heart stop for a second. I was so close to them that my face was basically tangled in their short hair. They smelled of anemone flowers, somewhat comforting.
"Let me know when you're ready to kick a murderer's butt," Mouse mumbles into my ears with a hint of a smile. That made me melt with the shiver of my spine
"I'll go distract him until you guys are ready, we'll meet up in front of the hotel building he works at..." Bonnet awkwardly offers before I heard him get up and shuffle away. I smile and lightly chuckle
"Mali?" I hear Mouse peep up as soon as we couldn't hear Bonnet anymore
"Mouse?" I breathe
"You've been the... best friend anyone's ever been to me..." they hesitate
"Yeah?" I sigh
"I... can't thank you enough for being... my friend..."
"I can't thank you enough either for being my first friend here... my stepdad never liked that I had any friends so he basically forced me to close off otherwise I would have spilled his secret that I didn't even know before moving..."
"I... I think you're really..."
"Really... nice... like a nice friend and everything... I know we barely got to know each other and everything... I just hope this all ends soon so we can get to know each other some more..."
"You hesitate a lot, just admit you like me already," I joke with a light laugh. Mouse was silent. Was that my heart or their heart I was feeling? Could be both of ours. In sync. Beating against each other. Like a boat on water... luscious green water... seafoam green water... it was a beautiful color... I don't know why people don't talk about it more...
We ran into the scene, stumbling to get there before someone got hurt. There was a police car near the building with my stepdad standing there with his hands up. One of his hands had a gun that he was refusing to drop
"I didn't do shit!! You can't keep blaming me for that!!" he growls
"They can't hear or see me, dipshit. You look like a psychopath talking to no one," Bonnet hisses, appearing from behind my stepdad
"Malikai, you know I was in California at the same year your dad died..." my stepdad whimpered with a worried smile on his face
"Dude, my dad died before I was born. The only person who could have vouched was my mom but she's dead too," I scoff, crossing my arms. The officers stepped out of the car and pointed guns at my stepdad
"We are not here because you're accusing yourself of the fire in twenty-twenty-two. We are here because we were called about a suspicious man who had weapons in this hotel. Now unless you are that person, you have to put your gun down," one of the officers demands
"No! You are here because of the fire!! I didn't do it!! There wasn't any evidence!! The house that was intentionally burned was completely empty!!" my stepdad yells in hysteria
"Keep talking, idiot," Bonnet laughed
"How could you know that the empty house was burned first, let alone empty in the first place?" I ask
"Your mom told me what happened before she died!!" my stepdad exclaims
"My mom wasn't a detective at the time, let alone at the scene to investigate which house was burned first!! She knew nothing about the incident until it came up on the news!!" I yell
"Plus you were almost never home!! You were out in New York the entire time even after her death!!" I bark
"Maybe not the entire time..." Bonnet adds on
"Oh, how can I forget? You said that you're gonna end the entire Alexis bloodline, right? You killed her before you went to Cali to get me so I can live in New York..." I hiss at my stepdad
"Sir, we ask that you put your gun down," the first officer calmly states
"NO!!" in one swift motion as the words left his mouth, he aimed the gun right at his head with the look of insanity in his eyes. He wanted to end everything about Alexis, even erasing the slightest bit of memory left.
"SHE WILL BE FORGOTTEN, NOW IF YOU LET ME DO MY JOB... SHE WILL FINALLY BE THE PERSON SHE DESERVES TO BE!! A NOBODY LIKE BONNET!!" he barked. It seemed like there wasn't a sound. It was so fast that it seemed to happen in slow motion. I was frozen in fear of what he had done. Bonnet forced Samuel to pull the trigger. Blood splattered like red paint onto the cement. The look on his face was complete shock and devistation. Samuel muttered something under his breath. I watched as Samuel fell dead and Bonnet flew away into ashes. It was a beautiful scene, one I wish I could forget...

The Mystery of The New York GhostHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin