27: The Lady

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A/N: I know it's been so long since I've uploaded an actual chapter. I actually wrote this chapter a long time ago but I haven't uploaded it because the illustration isn't finished. Recently, I have been very busy and don't have much time to put in the dedication to write/illustrate. 

So therefore, there won't be an illustration for this chapter.... at least for now.

I will be sure to update again with the illustration.

Sorry for the long wait >-<

At last, the lady has finally reunited with her beloved captain. Furthermore, she confessed her true feelings and was accepted by the captain. These two astonishing women will continue on not only on their journey to return home, but also the journey of love.

Ningguang's stomach growled. She immediately placed her hands on her stomach, feeling embarrassed at how loud it was.

Beidou decided to tease the lady. "Oh? Seems like someone's a little hungry." She smirked.

The lady furrowed her brows. "Oh, give me a break," she sneered. "I did not eat a single thing the whole day."

The captain looked at the lady in surprise. "Really? Well then, you're free to eat me."

"Beidou!" Ningguang flushed and lightly smacked the side of the captain's arm. "I am being serious! I am starving and I want to eat food." She flipped her hair in irritation. With an empty stomach and her loving being a cute pain in the ass, the lady began to have a mild headache. She sulked and crossed her arms.

With her lady acting like a whiny child, the captain wrapped her arms around her lady and kissed the side of her cheek. Ningguang's heart began to race at her sudden affection. "Okay, I'm sorry," Beidou apologized before letting go and getting up. "I think I saw some canned food in the cabinets."

This was something Ningguang didn't complain about. As the lady was poor as a child, she was able to eat staple food. Nothing of her palette screams rich or luxury, as long as it supplied her with energy and nutrition.

Ningguang got up from the futon and walked over to the counter to lean against. She watched Beidou gather the cans from the cabinet, one by one, and carried it towards the lady. The cans tumbled down her arms, but the captain grabbed it and placed it on the counter so that it was standing.

"Alright," Beidou said as she dusted off her palms. "Let's dig in!"

"Hold on, Beidou." The lady grabbed her wrist, stopping the captain from grabbing one of the cans. Her love raised a brow, questioning her action. "How do you know if these are still good to eat? Who knows how long they have been in there unopened?"

"Right," Beidou proceeded to pick up a can and examined it. She did a full rotation of the can, looking for an expiration date. When she couldn't find one, she then looked at the bottom of the can. There was nothing. She then picked up the other cans to check, but all of them didn't have a single date labeled. It was odd. "Looks like none of these cans have an expiration date," the captain said and placed the can she was holding onto the counter.

"No way." The lady grabbed a can to check for herself. She then sighed when she indeed didn't find an expiration date. "Are these homemade?"

"Who knows," Beidou said and opened a can. She quickly sniffed it and picked up the tuna from the can and tossed it into her mouth.

"Beidou?!" Ningguang watched the captain in disbelief.

"What? How else are we supposed to know if it's still good to eat?" The captain said as she chewed on the tuna. She then licked her fingers clean. "It still tastes okay to me." She slid the can over to the lady. "Try it."

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