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I felt tense, nauseous.

I didn't know how to react, should I be protective? Was Kyle and I on that list? If "cupid" finds out then i'm fucked. How would they find out? I cant even contemplate with myself. I normally hate myself for not being able to process my existence, but now I was all too aware. I felt expected to respond to nothing. I was incredibly stressed. I didn't know why.

The world wasn't moving correctly.

I slowly realized Wendy was taking to me

"What?" I mustered frantically.

"Shhh!" Wendy shushed me, "look at the message.."

I was noticing more things, the computer didn't hurt my eyes as much. I read the words,

'Wow, a tracker? Really? You already know who I am, if you would listen to me you would know."

Wendy looked at me, as if I knew. I didn't know what to do, I felt expected to do something.

"Well we know they live in south park," Kyle whispered to the group.

I felt knocked into reality again, oh shit. Who is this person? What do they want? What's their true motive?

I repeated my thoughts to the group. We tried to think of solutions but to no avail. We were at a stale mate. We had to wait until their next move.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few days later. (first time adding a time skip... I think)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was sitting on a curb outside. I was waiting for Kyle to get back from this tutoring thing he signed up for. I played with a broken bottle, not caring if I cut myself.

"Hey dude," Kyle waved as he walked around a vehicle.

I observed his features. He was truly beautiful. He had a perfect nose, and his hair complimented his face. Even if he didn't like it..

"Heyo," I said awkwardly.

I kinda wanted to impress him, but I didn't know how I would do that. He reached out a hand to help me up, he has longer fingers. They were cold. I felt anxious touching them. He was really pretty? I don't know how to describe him, mans was absolutely ethereal.

"Stan.." Kyle looked freaked out.


Kyle gulped and looked to the side, "uhh, I got a message yesterday."

A pit formed in my gut, oh God no.. what now? I left my window open that one night. I know I talked to myself. I know for sure now there's a chance of them knowing.

"It-it uh said that," He kept saying 'uh', I just wanted the bandaid to be ripped off, "it asked for us to meet them in the alley that has that one raisins girl poster, I don't know what to do."

He slumped his head on my shoulder. Damnit, does he know what he's doing. Every day since I admitted to myself I liked him, it's gotten worse and worse. I don't know what to do with myself. I blushed, and that godforsaken smile formed on my face. Every damn time this happens. He was cute, but cute doesn't cover love. Humans get love wrong, it's not just a feeling, it's an action. If you don't preform, is it really there? I know I love him, including the actions, but I don't know when I do the actions. Or what I do.. I hope I'm not to bad.

Distilled, yet not aware.Where stories live. Discover now