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"No, meeting isn't the right description- it's just that she'd like to have a word with you." Mr. Forkle added before Sophie could panic.
"Do you think it has something to do with the storehouse? Did the Neverseen-"
"I'm not sure what she wants, Miss. Foster. She's very secretive- good at dodging questions."
"Oh. Okay. Do you think I should agree?" Sophie glanced around the room full of family and friends, not sure who she was asking. And she got a variety of replies.
"For the record, Gimmer has asked only Sophie to be there. So it's your decision, Sophie." Mr. Forkles eyes met Sophie's, and the way he was looking at her made her think he was searching her thoughts again.
"I... I don't know." Sophie confessed. It wasn't that she though meeting with Glimmer was dangerous- she'd already done so before. But she also seemed to think it was strange that glimmer had demanded a meeting- even though she wasn't in the Neverseen anymore, she still didn't seem to be a fan of Sophie and most of her friends.
"You'll have time to decide- I told Glimmer it would at least wait til tomorrow." Mr. Forkle informed her.
"Im- I think I should do it." Sophie said. Glimmer might know something more about Keefe's legacy- and was one of her best bets on finding him.
"Alright. I'll inform the Mr. Tam." Mr. Forkle said, ignoring the protests of the adults- particularly Grady and Sandor. He raised his crystal and disappeared.
Fitz whistled. "Just like that, Sophie? I don't trust Glimmer- remember the big scene with Alvar? I don't want to fall right into They're trap again."
Sophie shook her head. "Glimmer wouldn't help us burn down the storehouse if she was still working with them." She said quietly.
"I dunno- remember when they cut Alvar up with the shamkniv? Made us think he was on our side- would never go back to the people that had done that to him, even if he remembered. And look at how wrong we were then. We can't risk it."
"Maybe, but this is only a meeting. What harm could she cause?"
Fitz scoffed. "With the Neverseen? Lots of it."
Sophie sighed. "I'm willing to risk it." Her and Fitz had been particularly awkward around each other recently. Sophie didn't know what to make of his sudden arguments- did he suddenly not trust her?
Fitz let out a long sigh, dragging a hand down his face. His eyes met Sophie's, and he whispered, "Just be careful, okay?"
Sophie felt her heart start beating again as he offered half an awkward smile. "Okay. When should I be ready?" She asked.
"Mr. Forkle should come by sometime tomorrow." Tiergan said, nodding at Sophie sympathetically.
And tomorrow rolled by quick.
Sophie stood in front of her mirror, sighing as she looked at her reflection. Bags under her red, puffy eyes. Pineapple hair. Stiff, sore neck.
"My goodness- you look awful!" Vertina exclaimed, appearing in Sophie's mirror and tossing her shiny hair.
Sophie rolled her eyes. "I'm not trying to look good, I'm getting ready for a meeting."
"You disgust me! What is life without beauty? Now, go get some hair pins- and a hair brush, for Heavens sake. And you'll need some eyeliner and gold Shadow-"
Sophie stepped out of range. She did smooth her hair down a bit, though- and brushed her finger along the shadows under her eyes.
"Miss. Foster? Are you ready to go?" Mr Forkle asked, tapping on her door. Sophie pulled it open.
He held up his crystal. "Glimmer is waiting."
Sophie took a deap breath, and stopped into the beam of light.
"About time." Glimmer's snooty voice exclaimed.
Tam shook his head at her, his eyes pleading with Sophie, "Don't make this worse."
"I'm here now, aren't I?" Sophie tried to sound confident- but not cocky or unsympathetic- as she made her way over to we're they were standing. Glimmer still had her hood pulled up, and Sophie tried not to feel disappointed by that.
"Why did you what to talk to me?" Sophie asked.
Glimmer snorted. "Clearly the Black Swan didn't give you any brain cells when they tweaked your freely genes."
"Okay..." Sophie wasn't sure how to reply- in a way that wasn't screaming.
"Last time I met with you, you demanded my help- wanted me to be your ally. But as soon as the storehouse is brined down, everyone goes back to pretending I don't exist. I mean, I knew it was all just an act, but did you forget my role in this? Why is everyone ignoring me?"
"Wow," Sophie breathed, shaking her head. "It's only been two days."
"A lot can happen in tow days."
"Okay, but why is that such a big deal? Isn't that what you wanted? To have a normal life?"
"Funny you should think that. I'm not living any life under the council."
"No one's bossing you around, right? Isn't that-"
"Stop pretending you know what I want!" Glimmer interrupted, glaring.
"Then tell me!" Sophie matched her tone.
"I thought the Neverseen were the perfect solution. Thought they'd make the world fair, no one would have to be judged unfairly..... but no. They proved untrustworthy and power- hungry, too."
"Um... I don't...."
"The council is unfair, Sophie. The Neverseen are power hungry and unjust. And I... I hate the fact that whatever side wins.. it's going to be like that. Or I did."
"The council is staring to see that." Sophie said quietly.
Glimmer snorted. "If you guys win this thing, everything will go back to its old ways. The council will continue making the people believe that the old way and they're order are the perfect solution to everything. And I don't want any part in that- or in the Neverseen. But there's one more order who sees both sides. The councils unfairness, and the Neverseen unjust. And it may not be my favorite thing ever, but...."
"You want ti join the Black Swan." Sophie finished, barely breathing.
"I mean, I still think you guys are too slow to take action, cowards, in a way... but... you burning down the storehouse changed my view of it all. Maybe you do see that sometimes we need to make a move- not wait for the move to hit us." Glimmer said.
Sophie didn't know what to say. She glanced at Tam. "Did she tell you about this?"
Tam pulled his bangs over his eyes. "Yeah. And... I know you might think I'm crazy, but..
think you should let her."
Glimmer turned to Sophie. "I can help you guys- turn this game in our favor. But it's up to you if you'll let me."
Sophie blew out a breath. "It's not a bad idea, but... there are a lot of reasons why this might not work."
"And those are?" Tam challenged.
"Well, I don't exactly have any peer in this- even if ifu,my agreed, there would be a lot of elves who don't. And... well... we don't even know your name."
Glimmer shrugged. "I'm Glimmer- why's that not enough? Aren't there a whole bunch of you walking around in disguises- even though you've proven your loyalty many times?"
She made a point. "But... at least someone knew who they were."
"But you didn't. And yet, you still trusted them."
Sophie shook her head. "'Trusted' is the wrong word. But I knew they were going to take care of me, so I let them, but never took my guard down."
"You don't have to trust me enough to risk your lives on me, or whatever. But Glimmer might as well be my new name. It's as much as..."
"As who?" Sophie pressed.
Gimmer shook her head. "It doesn't matter. But I have something else that might change your mind."
"What is it?"
"Only if you agree to let me join."
"That's blackmail. And Tajik are two different things."
"Are they?" Glimmer sounded like she was raising an eyebrow. "It may not be much to offer, but I can tell what the Neverseen are planning next for the Black swan."
"What?" Sophie was barely breathing.
"That's all I'm giving for free. But I'll tell you it's something you want to know. And I suppose they're plans could have changed, but you don't have any other leads."
Sophie turned away. "I can bring it up to the collective- and that's all I can do."
Glimmer nodded approvingly. And Sophie wasn't prepared for what she told her next.
"The Neverseen are going to use trolls."

Okay so- two things. I just wanted to say even though I am 100% a Sokeefe shopper I still think Fitz is a good character, even though he need to control his temper. I know lots of Team Foster Keefe members don't like Fitz, so just wanted to make that clear. Also, I'm not sure where this chapter is going or if it makes sense- so bare with me lol.
Anyway what did you think?

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