"I called her yesterday." Levi nods and smiles softly. "She's very excited."

"Good." I smile, relaxing a touch. "I'm really excited to see her again too."

"You didn't come to ask me if I invited my sister," Levi observes and gives me a look.

I roll my eyes. "How do you know?"

"Because you and I both know she would kill me if I didn't." Levi gives me another grin just before he takes another bite of his sandwich.

"That's very true," I snort, very unprincess-like but I don't care. "Abri would never let you live another day if you left her out. But you're right, I do have something else to talk to you about."

"What's on your mind?" Levi shifts towards me and my stomach clenches. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe I should just let sleeping dogs lie. But no, I need to say something.

"So, you know this ball is super formal, right?" I ask him, tilting my head.

"If I hadn't already, the rack of suits that were rolled into the room this morning was a huge tip off," Levi says with a sigh.

"Look, I like the leather jacket, love it even," I say, sitting forward. "And it's so very you. It suits you. But—"

"That was a great speech before the but," Levi grumbles.

"But." I grin at him. "This is about my parents, and you know my dad hates the leather jacket."

"I had a feeling." Levi rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair. I sigh and Levi looks at me. "Look, Charlotte, relax. I wasn't even thinking of trying to wear it Thursday. I had a feeling it wouldn't go over well."

"I'm sorry," I tell him and I realize how small my voice sounds. I realize then that I'm actually apologizing for more than the fact that he shouldn't wear his leather jacket. "I'm really sorry."

"Charlotte." Levi places his hand over mine and I startle. I didn't realize I had even put my hand on his arm but here we are. Levi ducks his head and forces me to meet his eyes. "It's okay. I understand, I promise."

"Okay," I whisper softly, nodding. "Okay."

March 24th

5:36 pm

"Okay so the flowers are in place and really, Breslin did a great job with them. I have no idea where he found them," Audrey says, checking things off of a list. Madeline floats around me blending my foundation and contour. This woman is a miracle worker. "And I think I have all the men and their families settled at the far right tables, I know it's not ideal, but—"

"This is a party for my parents, not for me, it's fine. It's not like there is a bathroom in the ballroom for them to be offended by," I say with a wave of my hand. "Plus that way, I can hide in the shadows with them and get away from my grandparents."

"You know they're going to ask you who the favorite is." Audrey rolls her eyes.

"You know I don't have a favorite," I remind her and she just sighs. I knew she was fishing.

"Anyways," Audrey clears her throat and shifts out of Madeline's way. "So the boys are set up. All the wardrobes have been handled. Actually it's kind of funny, two of the three Wilk sisters that came ended up wanting to wear the same dress and of course neither one of them would settle for choosing a different dress so naturally Clara threw herself into making an almost exact replica. She stayed up all night to finish it and of course it came out perfectly."

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