"Okay, well, unfortunately, I am going to just add to our things to do list," I tell Audrey. She looks at me quizzically but I just give her a tight lipped grin and head towards the lesson room. I don't knock, just approach Wynnie and my uncle. I sigh. "Guess what time of year it is?"

"What?" Wynnie asks, a little surprised to see me here.

Uncle Phillip looks confused too but then a look of understanding crosses his face. "Ah yes, how could I forget?"

"So I don't know what you guys were planning on teaching—" I start but Uncle Phillip cuts me off.

"We will set up extra dance lessons and get the men fitted for new suits." Uncle Phillip nods and I can tell that's when Wynnie gets it.

"Ah, the anniversaire ball," Wynnie says, nodding her head. "Is there anything you need help with? Do you want the men to plan anything or—"

"Actually, there is one thing," I tell her and then I turn to the guys. They're all staring at me, confused. I smile at them. "Next week is my parent's anniversary. Every year, we throw a ball in their honor. My entire family flies in, close friends, some dignitaries always show up. It's a big to-do and my parents love it. Well, this year, since you all are here, I would like to extend the invitation not only to you all, but your families as well. Invite whoever you'd like to, the more the merrier. We will put them up through the weekend. And of course a wardrobe will be supplied to them as well. I know it's a little inconvenient that the ball is on a Thursday but my parents always insist on having their celebration on their actual anniversary. So like I said, whoever you would like to invite, please do, just let Wynnie or Uncle Phillip know who all to add to the guest list."

I turn to Wynnie. "Just let me know how many and who all?"

"Not a problem, and we'll handle the outfitting and the rooms." Wynnie smiles, gracious as always.

"Thank you," I say, clasping my hands in front of me. She grins and shoos me out of the lesson room. I go, rejoining Audrey in the hallway. "Okay, with that taken care of, catering first? Or should we just divide and conquer?"

"I think divide and conquer is the only way to go." Audrey nods, going through her phone. I nod and start to do the same. This is going to be a hectic week.

March 21st

12:05 pm

"How have dance lessons been?" I ask Levi, sliding in next to him during lunch.

He shifts, looking slightly uncomfortable and I frown at him. But Levi just glances down at me over his sandwich and grumbles, "Better. My teacher is much nicer this time."

"Hey! I really wasn't that mean," I pout and Levi gives me a small smile. I look at him then. He has dark bags under his eyes and his wounds seem to be healing, but slowly. They're all at least scabbed over so he no longer needs to wear the bandages. I lower my voice even though we're really the only ones here, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says and I can't tell if he's lying to me or not. Levi hesitates and then adds, "Just haven't been sleeping well lately."

"I know that feeling," I sympathize with him, knowing that if I hadn't let Madeline do my makeup this morning, I would have bags as large as him under my eyes.

We sit in silence for a moment just looking at each other until Levi raises a brow. "Was there something you needed, princess?"

"Are you inviting Abri?" I ask him, shifting in my seat.

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