XXVI. overdose

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everyone goes through their own shit, whether it's with their parents or school. well, valencia stilinski malin, a seventeen year old, has been through a lifetime of trauma and heartbreak.

just when she thought growing up without knowing who her real parents are and losing her mother figure was heartbreaking enough. she was dragged into the world of supernatural beings. only there did her life get worse and worse.

although, her life wasn't always so bad. ever since she was little, valencia always dreamed of having friends she could call her family, when she finally found them, everything was beginning to look perfect. she felt happy for the first time in a very long while.

for once in her life, she had everything she had ever dreamed of. an amazing man she could call her father, friends she could call her safe place, popularity, perfect grades in school. nothing was out of place in her life.

but nothing good ever lasts forever.

sophomore year, the year that everything began. the supernatural adventure between scott, stiles and valencia began. three stupid little teenagers looking for a dead body for some unimaginable reason. little did they know what the bunch of kids thought they'd be getting themselves into.

valencia never meant to fall for the bad guy, she never meant to fall for his tricks. theo truly did love valencia, but she couldn't see that, she couldn't trust him, not after what he did to her pack, her family. but there was something about theo, valencia could not shake it off and it was beginning to slow tear her apart.

she fell for him, she fell in love with him. although she wouldn't admit it to anyone else, even though they already knew what she felt for him. valencia didn't know what it was about him. she felt like she was under a magic spell.

when valencia was growing up, her biggest dream was to find the perfect guy. a guy who would take care of her, love her, grow old with her. instead, she fell in love with someone who was supposedly evil. what he did was messed up, he lied to her and he hurt her more than anyone had ever hurt her.

the only thing was, valencia didn't know why he lied. she didn't know his side of the story. how theo had tried to convince the dread doctors to leave her be, how he had tried to protect her from the pain she'd have to go through, how he threw everything to the curb to be at her side when she needed him.

valencia stilinski malin didn't know what theo raeken was willing to do for her. but he was going to prove it to her one day.


eventually, valencia felt her eyes begin to get less heavy. she could finally hear from out of her ears, she could footsteps, voices speaking over each other and a beeping sound.

slowly, valencia started gain strength again, her eyes fluttering open. she could feel her numb arms begin to gain more movement as she wiggled her fingers. valencia let out a small sigh, opening her eyes as wide as she could. she could hear loads of voices clashing in the room.

"guys..." valencia could hear a soft voice from the other side of the room. she recognised the voice to come from isaac. the bickering continued as nobody heard isaac. "guys!" isaac exclaimed louder, grabbing the attention from the arguing teenagers. "it's val, she's awake."

isaac rushed to valencia's side, looking down at the worryingly pale young girl who had just woken up from a long sleep. the rest of the group quickly surrounded the hospital bed, circling around the girl.

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