Chapter 21: It's Good to be Back Home Again

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"Uhm, dad..." Hadrian drawled out. "I think we have a blind passenger," he said, eyeing the kitsune warily who strode through the drawing-room they landed in as if it owned the place.

However, Salazar chuckled.

"I wondered whether this would happen or not."

He knelt down and motioned the kitsune to come over to him. The kitsune took a defensive stance, his tails in the air and ready to strike if necessary.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you." This seemed to relax the kitsune, which strode over and sat in front of him. "I have nothing against you staying here, but you should get to know one thing...should you hurt Hadrian in any way, you'll get to know how protective I can get, understood?"

The kitsune butted his head against Salazar's hand before replying telepathically. -I would never hurt him. He is...special.-

-Yes, he is- Salazar replied in the same way chuckling.

That let the kitsune jump in surprise and shock. –You're telepathic, but you're's that possible?- the kitsune rounded him before recognition hit it and its eyes widened. –You're the Serpent King. It's an honour to meet you- it added in awe with a bow of its head. name is Salazar. What is yours, by the way?- he asked.

-Shiyo, Sir.-

-Nice to meet you, Shiyo. Please take good care of my son, will you?-

Shiyo licked over his hand before replying. –I will defend him with all I have if necessary.-

Salazar smiled at Shiyo before standing up again and addressing the others who looked at him strangely or apprehensively in his son's case.

"He'll stay, and his name is Shiyo. Be nice to him," he told his son.

Hadrian replied with a hug. "Thank you for letting him stay."

"Zoo is all I have to say to this," Sirius laughed. "If you excuse me, Intercontinental portkey travel doesn't overly agree with me. I'll take a rest. See you three soon?" he asked the Longbottoms.

"Certainly, though, we'll go back home now too. I doubt Midnight is very fond of being confined to her transport box," Alice replied.

With that, they all said goodbye, the Longbottoms and Sylvia returning to their own homes. Salazar went to his study to check the letters he received the last fortnight while Hadrian went to his room Shiyo trailing behind him.

Upon entering, he saw Hedwig sitting on her post, already waiting for him. The owl opted to stay in England because she absolutely refused to be put into a cage for as short as it may be. However, she could hardly fly the entire way to China and back, which would take over a week. Therefore, she stayed in England, being fed by one of the elves from the manor outside of London, which regularly fed the other owls residing in the townhouse's Owlery.

"Hedwig," Hadrian exclaimed, running over to her. "I missed you."

The owl hooted affectionately but instantly got wary when she saw the kitsune. She swooped down to the floor and eyed it critically.

"Ah, yes Hedwig this is Shiyo. I met him in China, and he wanted to come back with me. Shiyo, this is Hedwig. She is my owl. Please be nice to each other," Hadrian introduced them.

Hedwig hooted cautiously while the kitsune sat in front of her. They seemingly held the same staring contest as Salazar had earlier with the kitsune. At one point, Hedwig hooted as if to say, "I tolerate your presence but don't expect me to become friends with you," before flying back to her post and cleaning her feathers. Shiyo meowed like he thought Hedwig was an arrogant dame before jumping on the bed and curling up in a spot of sunlight.

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