Chapter 16: Political Chess

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'Well, trust you, my ass, you old coot,' Sirius grinned inwardly before speaking aloud.

"You know that the one who 'adopted' Harry was the one who hired Hardinger to get me out?"

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes, he admitted that but wouldn't tell me anything more, claiming that it was protected with a Fidelius Charm."

Sirius furrowed his brows. "You don't sound like you believe him."

"That's right. During the trial, I took a look into his mind. What I found there startled me. It showed him together with Harry and...I'm sorry, I don't know what he did to him, but Harry called him dad."

That was no news to Sirius since Harry called Salazar dad in front of him too. As to what he did to him, he gave him everything Dumbledore denied him on purpose. But that was nothing he would tell him, so he showed concern.

"What? Do you think he keeps him under the Imperius Curse and lets Harry call him 'dad' as a crude joke?"

"It could be possible, but I can't say with certainty. He could also have brainwashed him or something along the line. I would have to see the boy so I can say with surety. You said you might know where Harry is?"

"Yes, and what you just told me would fit. But, should Hardinger really be the one who has Harry, I fear he brought him to America to get him out of reach while hiding behind their Ministry. What I don't understand is why he got me out of Azkaban. He should have known that I would try to find and get Harry back," he put on a thoughtful gaze.

It seemed that the longer he played that game of deception, the more natural it came to him. He hadn't played it since school. However, it was like riding a broom, you would get rusty, but you never really forgot how to do it.

"My guess is that he hopes he can brainwash you too so that you would help him. But, on the other hand, I don't understand why he informs the press about all of that. Why doesn't he keep silent about it, hides and would never be seen again? Informing the press about it is a huge risk."

"Don't know about his motives concerning the press, but should he really want me to help him, couldn't we use this to our advantage? I mean, I could let him show me where Harry is and then report to you," Sirius proposed adding 'as if' in his mind.

"It is unlikely that he is so stupid not to instate several security measurements. He is arrogant enough to brag to the press about his involvement. On the other hand, you at least would be able to observe his and Harry's movements and tell me what he plans to counter his plans. But you would have to be very careful that he doesn't get you with the Imperius Curse or that you get brainwashed by him too."

Now Sirius looked hurt. "I was an Auror for several years, and I know what I do, thank you very much."

"I trust you, my boy," he replied with a grandfatherly smile. "There is something else I have to discuss with you. You heard that there will be a vote of no confidence against Minister Bagnold tomorrow?"

Sirius flinched. "That was to be expected with how he wiped the floor with her...why do you bring this up?"

"Well, the problem is that I don't have anyone capable of filling that post available at the moment...except one." Sirius raised an eyebrow. "You."

This was the second time today he looked like he was slapped with a fish repeatedly, and he didn't even need to fake his surprise. He didn't doubt one second that his godson would Hadrian be here right now, would lie on the floor laughing about it again.

"You...WHAT? You are crazy! No one would elect me," was Dumbledore really that desperate?

"With my backup, there should be enough votes for you. Then, more than for anyone else, I could propose."

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