Chapter 6: An Unexpected Result

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Harry and Salazar were on the stairs going down to the ground floor when Harry asked a question out of curiosity.

"I just thought about something. If you're really over a thousand years old, why don't you make the spells on me go away? You have much more knowledge, so why don't you do it?" Harry asked, slightly curious and confused.

Upon hearing those questions, Salazar started to laugh.

"I'll answer those questions with another one. Who do you think is more qualified? A person who read a thousand books about a topic but performed the things described in it only a few times when he had to? Or the person who only read a few books but performs those things hundreds of times in a single year, and even then, practices and hones their craft over decades?"

Harry thought about that. "Hmm, I'd prefer the person who does it over the one who only reads books."

"See? You just answered your own questions. That is exactly why I let my friend Mr Reichard do things like this. I might have a millennia's worth of knowledge on many subjects, but this is a field of magic I rarely use or even come in contact with. Even less so when it comes to a person instead of objects."

They reached the ground floor and went into the drawing-room where Harry could hear two voices, a female and a male. They entered the room. On the right stood a man who looked to be in his mid-50's. On the left, a woman seemed to be a bit younger than the man but not by much.

"Hello, and thank you for coming. Harry, this is Mr Reichard and Ms Pye. Mr Reichard, Ms Pye, this is my relative I told you about; Harry Potter," Salazar introduced everyone.

If not in detail, they at least now knew Salazar and Harry were related.

"Hello Harry, nice to meet you," Ms Pye greeted the boy with a smile before Mr Reichard did the same.

"Nice to meet you too," Harry greeted in return a bit shyly.

"How about a nice cup of tea before you get to work?" Salazar asked

"You Brits and your tea," Reichard laughed.

"Well, it's better than that black water you call coffee!" Pye retorted. "But I wouldn't say no to a nice black tea," she said with a slight smile

Both men started to laugh, and Harry also snickered.

"Blinky! Would you please make some tea for us?" Salazar asked

"As master wishes," and with that, Blinky disappeared as fast as he had appeared.

"So, I see your opinion towards elves hasn't changed," Sylvia stated.

"You know my reasoning, and I know for a fact that you don't think any different."

Sylvia grinned. "That's why I'm relieved to see that you haven't changed."

They all sat down and started to talk about several different things. Mostly about recent events but also about magic. Harry meanwhile sat with them, listening carefully to their conversation while sipping his tea. He didn't understand much of what was talked about. Still, it really seemed interesting, especially when the topic switched to potions. To Harry, it sounded like a different and more advanced version of cooking but with more powerful results. He swore to himself he would look up how to make potions as soon as he had the time. For now, he just listened, absorbing any bit of information, he could get.

"So, I suggest we start with the examination now that we talked some. I think it best that we do it in Harry's bedroom so that the boy can lay on his bed and relax. What do you think, Reichard?" Sylvia asked.

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