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My heart fluttered as he set me down carefully, his vibrant green eyes shining with so much love and admiration that made me blush.

"Goddess, you're so beautiful" he sighed as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears.

My stomach erupted with butterflies and i felt heat rise to my face as I took in a large volume of air. I felt as if i was about to explode.

He chuckled, as he shut the door and made a run for the other side, where Suri blocked the door.

I won't lie, I felt a bit of disappointment but it was probably for the better. He was shoved into the passenger's seat by Liam as the others begun to go back to their cars.

The engine roared to live, the steady vibration spreading around all the car as it gently moved forward, picking up speed as it went by. I looked back through the window to look at Suri, who stood with worried eyes as the car moved away. Her silky ivory fur reflecting the first rays of dawn, I felt a our connection begin to strain until it was only a faint line. I kept looking at Suri until she dove into the dense forest.

I sighed loudly and turned back, where i was met with my mate's gorgeous green eyes.

I smiled shyly as my heart begun to thump loudly. Man, i think he could hear it because his smile grew into a bigger one.

"You okay there?" he asked as he rested his face on his hand, making him seem so dreamy and so fineeee.

I felt my face grow red as i took as huge intake of air...

that made me choke and cough desperately.

Well done Xio, managed to embarrass yourself in less than 30 seconds, wolf said.

Niko's eyes grew wide and quickly started scavenging through the compartments until he found water and tissues. He then handed them to me.

I tell you when my hand brushed against his , little sparks erupted and made their way up my arm, making me jump back and and look at him in bewilderment.

I had heard of stories, back at home, that when the mate bond has not yet been 'consumed', sparks or shots of electricity could be felt, but I never knew they would be this strong.

We kept staring at each other until the Gamma spoke, " Uhhhh, could you stop whatever you're doing 'cause it's making me uncomfortable. You'll get more time to continue when we reach the pack house"

"Liam, you've just killed the mood, but I'll take your advice about continuing later" Niko said and then winked at me. Liam noticed and slapped the back of his head. "What have I just said?"

"Ouchh, no need to be aggressive. Plus keep your eyes on the road, I need you to drive as safely as possible for my mate"

" I don't know how you became beta" Liam mumbled as Niko went back to stare at me with adoring eyes. I giggled and quietly said, "I'm down for anything, if its with you, " he smiled widely, " and Suri" and his smile was replaced with a frown.

"Ha, good luck with that one" Liam chuckled as he drove.

Niko was about to retaliate but was interrupted by Liam, "why don't you let your mate sleep? I'm sure she is exhausted from all that chasing"

"Of course!", Niko said as he facepalmed and begun to look around his seat for something.

"You can have my jacket if its cold" he said as he handed me his jacket.

"Thank you" i said as i covered myself is his jacket , which , might I add, smelled amazing . As i closed by eyes, i could hear the hushed whispers of Niko and Liam, probably arguing about something. With the steady vibrations of the engine and Niko's soothing voice, I was lured into the world of dreams.

The Beta's MateWhere stories live. Discover now