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3 months later

3 months have passed and surprisingly we haven't been caught. We've been going from town to town, staying for 2-3 days the most.

Today there are no buses going to the town we want, so its time to go on a long walk. Nobody wants to rent a car to us ,all because of Xio. She keeps acting like a child so the staff don't actually believe that we're 18, although I gave them my ID.

Anyway, we're now walking through the densely packed vegetation. The trees here are as tall as skyscrapers. The flapping of wings and the scampering of smaller mammals could be heard as we made our way through the bushes of ferns, that tickled and gently grazed us.

By now the the sky has turned into an ombre of candy floss pink and orange as the sun smoothly falls below the horizon.

"how much longer do we have to go? My feet are hurtinggg."

"Come on Xio, its your fault that we weren't able to rent a car so stop whining and hurry up! It's going to be night time soon." I said frustrated.

As if sensing my frustration, she stopped talking and we continued silently along the dark forest trails. Before long, night had fallen and we stumbled across a worn out road, full of cracks, that had a vintage road sign that read 15 miles to Avonville (the town we wanted to go)  and we continued along, when suddenly, down the road, we see 3 black Mercedes C63 amg drive in front of us and stop.

Then Xio sniffed the air and whimpered. For those who don't know, Xio has one of the best tracking skills , which means she has a better sense of smell than I do.

So if she whimpered, it only means one thing...

"Werewolves..." she said

... and one of them is her mate.

As we stood there paralyzed, two males stepped out of the first car. One had light brown, dishevelled hair, with greenish eyes and , I'm estimating here, a height of  5'11 ft, while the other had to be at least 6ft with ginger hair and grey eyes.

They both gave off strong dominance vibes meaning they had to be higher ranking wolves, who stood still regarding us ,until the green-eyed took two steps forward and started sprinting towards us. Never have I ever seen such thing, he moved with incredible speed. This seemed to bring Xio back into reality. And she did the most unexpected, unforeseen thing ever...

She ran...

the opposite way...

Now, me being the good friend I am, turned and sprinted after her.

Xio! Isn't that your mate?! Why are u running away?! You are supposed to run towards him, not the opposite way! I huffed while catching up with her.

Don't you see Suri, the moment he catches us, it all over! All our hard work, all our sleepless nights planning, all of it will be gone. He has probably recognised us from the posters and I am his mate, he won't let us leave ! Gosh, and I thought I was dense!

I "ohhhh"ed and mentally facepalmed. Of course ! We have been three months on the run, so every pack has probably heard of us. And with a new surge of energy and  Xiomara telling me to hurry up, we entered the dark, thick forest once again.


As we made our way back to the pack house after another council meeting that had taken all day, I was exhausted and it didn't help that the Alpha was away on  pack business, although he was coming back tomorrow. Managing the pack was taking a toll on me, but anyways, after tomorrow I could  sit back as the Alpha took on the workload once again.

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