Chapter 50

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One year later
"Agent Hotchner?"

"Yes?" I answer, looking up from the report I was writing

"This just came in" Agent Anderson says as he hands me a file.

Missing teenagers. 22 to be exact. They got on the bus for school this morning but they never made it there. The whole bus is MIA.

"The director wants to know if your team is willing to cooperate with the BAU on this" he adds

"He remembers that we are married, right?" I ask

"I believe so"

"Ok, then. Whatever gets us to them faster" I reply as I stand up.

I gather my team and we are leaving immediately. But before that I run downstairs and to Aaron's office.

"Happy one year anniversary" I say as I throw the file in front of him. He takes a quick look at it and gets up.

"Happy anniversary indeed" he replies and pecks my lips before we leave. He gathers his team as well and we head to the jet where we'll do the briefing.

However, our presence wasn't so welcomed at the local precinct. The chief rolled his eyes as soon as we walked in and show him our badges.

"I told your supervisor that we're handling it" he insists.

So, Aaron goes toe to toe with him
"With all due respect, we do not need your permission. There are 22 missing teenagers and not just one, but two departments of the FBI are here to help. That means that both teams are leaving behind over 20 other cases that also need their attention in order to be here. So, if you're not willing to cooperate, at least do not get in our way" he says and walks passed him without waiting for his reply.

That's my man.
I try to hide my smile and I follow him
"I really enjoy it when you get all bossy and serious like that" I whisper. He gives me a side eye and smirks.

The chief eventually joins us in the conference room where Aaron and I are setting up while everyone else is interviewing family members.
"So, Hotchner and Hotchner...? What's the deal with you?" he asks

"I don't see how that's relevant with the case. We are here to do our jobs. And I'd advise you to stay away if you are going to continue wasting our time" Aaron answers before I could even open my mouth.

"Sure... I think I'll go check on the other Agents doing the interviews" he replies and leaves.

"Did you enjoy that?" Aaron teases me

"Very much so" I reply and he smiles.

That moment, his phone starts ringing
"You're on speaker, Garcia" he says letting the phone down

"I got a trace from one of the students' phones. It's a few miles outside of town, but I can't see anything other than a few farms -I think- on the map. I just sent you the coordinates" she informs us

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