Chapter 45

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I talked with Emily's friend that afternoon and we booked an appointment to talk the next morning at her workplace. She showed me around the backgrounds, the props, outfits and some of her work.

Overall, she seemed really nice, respectful and professional. I asked her a few questions and warned her that my body has some scars. Her response to that was "So what?" which made me like her even more.

We booked a session for the following week. So, as soon as I returned home from our appointment, I started booking more appointments; brazilian wax, leg wax, manicure and pedicure, hair because my roots desperately need retouch.

Actually, going through all these appointments felt really good. I was taking care of myself because I wanted to look my best and I was feeling my best. My last appointment the day before the photoshoot was my hair one, which gave me the biggest confidence boost.

But the fact that tomorrow is the day of the shoot, doesn't give me more time to stall a conversation I needed to have with Aaron.

On our appointment last week, Ariel, the photographer was showing me some album templates and asked me what name I wanted to put on my album. Which brings up the question, do I want to keep my last name or take his last name.

Alexandra J. Barnes
Alexandra J. Hotchner

I could have asked him last week, or any other day until today but I didn't know how to bring it up. And now, there is no more time, so I have to ask when I get home.

"Woah, hello..." Aaron comments with a smile on his face as I enter the apartment

"Hey. How was work?" I ask

"As usual. You look amazing, by the way" he answers and kisses me

"Thank you. I didn't know you'd be back so early, I'd bring food otherwise" I say

"It's ok, I made lunch today. Did you have a good time?" he asks

"Yes actually. I got my hair done, so copper-me is back, and I also did some shopping afterwards".
I got some lingerie I really liked for tomorrow, since Ariel told me I can bring my own props as well.

"Great. Go wash your hands while I serve".

"What are we eating?" I ask from the bathroom

"Chicken alfredo pasta" he answers

"Really? Who taught you that? Nevermind, I think I know who".

I return to the kitchen and I sit on the counter as he fills our plates. He feeds me the first bite straight from the pan.

"Mmm... Rossi will be proud" I say, causing him to laugh. He takes our plates and I sit down with him to eat.

I need to ask him. Not now, we are eating. Later, when we are sitting. He'll probably need to rest then.

No, just ask. It's not something taboo. All couples have a similar conversation.

"Recently, someone asked me a question and I was hoping to bring it up to you because I didn't know how you'd feel about it if I answered it without consulting first" I say, as I play with my food

"Is it something serious?" he asks, as he pauses from eating as well

"Not really. It's not, like, life threatening. It's just my brain overthinking it" I admit

"Ok. I'm listening"

"Do you want me to take your last name when we get married?" I finally ask.

He smiles "Do YOU want to take my last name when we get married?" he asks

"You're not helping. I'm asking you"

"And I'm asking you. It's your name changing, this is completely your decision to make"

"So you have no problem with whatever I decide?"


I smile and I look down at my plate, embarrassed that I was making such a big deal out of it in my head.

"I told you early on that I hate having my father's name and that I have considered changing it many time, but I didn't because of Evelyn. Maybe now it's the right time. I want to take your last name" I admit

"I'd be happy to give it to you, Mrs. Hotchner" he says causing me to bite my lip smiling.

I get up from my chair and I sit on his lap to kiss him. "Mrs. Hotchner. Lexie Hotchner. Alexandra Jessica Hotchner. Wow... It's really happening" I say

"Yes, it is. And you better believe it now, because it might happen sooner than you think"

"What does that mean?"

"There are surprises coming your way, Mrs. Hotchner" he admits and starts kissing my neck.

Oh, you're not the only one with surprises, Mr. Hotchner.

"And when shall I expect my surprise?" I ask

"Would it be a surprise if I told you?" he speaks and continues to kiss my neck

"No, but I like to be prepared. I'd like a concept" I insist

"No" he insists and I frown.
"Another question, church or courthouse?"

"Courthouse. Private, quick" I answer immediately

"Ok. Let me know when you have a white dress ready and I'll get us an appointment and our papers ready"

"You are the best". I kiss his lips.
"But we also have to get rings. I'm not letting you walk around, getting the ladies hopes up that you're single" I tease and I kiss him again

"We can do that, first thing tomorrow" he answers

"Great". He kisses me again.
"I'll go look for a dress right after"

"Someone's impatient" he teases

"You started it!" I remind him and he laughs.

"I can't wait to call you my wife" he admits.

Well, the boudoir photos will come out in a couple of weeks so I'm going to stall a little bit more. You're impatient but I think that it's going to be worth it once you get your hands on that album.

Maybe I should also pause on sex for those two weeks... It'll make it even better. But that dooms me too.

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