Chapter 47

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Soon, I came to the realization that in the two months I was out, I forgot how to do this job. I used to be able to go a couple of days without sleep, but now it's around 2 am and I'm so sleepy already.

I am currently chugging another coffee cup. "That's one kind of bachelorette, right?" Morgan asks as he joins me in the conference room

"Yeah" I chuckle
"The congressman's intern/ex-girlfriend just arrived, she is waiting for you in the waiting room" I inform him as I hand him the file

"Thank you" he replies and heads there.

As he exits, Agent Anderson walks in
"There is a reporter outside asking to talk to someone for the case" he says

"No comment" I answer for him to say

"She says she has critical information about the case" he adds

"But the team is already busy...".

Everyone has their own assignments right now. "Fine, I'll talk to her".
"Hotchner will kill me..." I whisper to myself as I walk there.

She stands up and comes closer when she realizes that I'm there to talk to her.
"Are you working on the congressman's case?" she asks

"I am assisting, yes" I answer

"I have a message from the kidnappers" she reveals and shows me a USB stick

"And what's in for you?" I ask

"I'd like an exclusive interview with the congressman"

"You are interfering with a federal investigation, you realize that?" I cross my arms.

Eventually, I get the USB from her and I go to Aaron's office. I knock on his door and I open it. He was interviewing the congressman because more questions came up after Garcia did some research on him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Agent Hotchner, a moment...?"

"I'll be right back, congressman" he says and follows me.

"A reporter dropped this, she says it's from the kidnappers. My best guess is that it's ransom" I give the USB to him

"Can you stay with the congressman until I'm back?" he asks

"Of course" I answer and he takes off.

I go back in the office. "Agent Hotchner has something to take care of. I'm Agent Barnes. Is it ok if I stay with you until he returns?"

"Yeah, sure" he says. It doesn't seem like he cares about it.

"Are there any news?" he asks

"When we know something for sure, you'll be the first to know" I answer.

He nods and rubs his face. He looks genuinely worried about his wife's disappearance.

"The other Agent said that my mother was being brought here just for safety" he mentions

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