Chapter 16

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Exactly a week later, Aaron came back to work. But we haven't solved the who's-the-chief-now issue.

"Chief Strauss, you wanted to see me?" I ask as I enter her office

"Yes, Agent Barnes. Have a seat". I do and she does too.
"As you know Agent Hotchner came back unexpectedly early from his assignment overseas and has expressed to me his wish to return to work as soon as possible. Do you believe he is ready to come back?" she asks

"I reassured him that I will not keep his position from him if he decided to come back and I am happy he took at least a week to recharge" I answer

"And did he take that week because he wanted to or you made him?"

"I suggested it and he agreed to it"

"And how has he been this past week?".

I smile. "Ah, I see where this is going. I'm sorry, but I do not discuss what happens during personal hours ma'am"

"I just want to make sure that he is ready to come back, Agent".

He is having nightmares. And once he was in the living room, looking at the empty and thinking about something, so I called for him and he almost flinched.
But it could be nothing.

"He is ready" I say.

"Good. But that leads to one more problem; You. The transfer is still active for two more months so you can either keep the Unit Chief position in the BAU and let Agent Hotchner work under your command or give it back to him while you work under him for the remaining time"

"Could I discuss this with Agent Hotchner before I give you an answer?"

"You can. But I'll need an answer by the end of the day"

"Of course, ma'am".

I return to the 6th floor and I spot the team in the conference room talking with Aaron. As I get closer, the chatter grows louder. "Good morning" I say taking everyone's attention
"I'm sorry do stop the party but can I steal him from you for a minute? The witch wants an answer on the chief issue" I whisper the last part to him

"Coming right up" he replies and follows me to my office.

"I'm guessing you want your position back" I say

"I would like to. But a deal is a deal, I understand if you want to keep the position for the whole 6 months" he replies.

I nod and I sit down.
"What is it?" he asks as he kneels to my level.

"Remember when you told me that staying in the BAU felt right for you?"

"Yes, you didn't quite know what right meant".

"Because if you asked me 5 months ago about this position, I'd say I want to be Chief without question. Now... Keeping that position from you feels wrong"

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