Prague, Czech Republic

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"We should buy lube and condoms." Louis said out of the blue.

"What?" Harry chuckled in surprise and looked around the train to see if anyone heard their conversation. No one was looking at them.

"Lube and condoms." Louis repeated.

"Hush, I heard you the first time." Harry wheezed and looked around again. No one paid attention to them.

"Come on, like anyone cares. Luuube!" Louis said louder and Harry clasped a hand over Louis' mouth to shut him up. He was crimson red.

Louis giggled and licked Harry's palm.

"Eeew." Harry grimaced and wiped his hand on Louis' t-shirt. Louis burst out laughing.

"Now, I'm not saying that I'm expecting us to have sex. I'm not trying to pressure you into something. I hope you know that? It just feels like we're heading in that direction and we should be prepared if that happens. Okay?" Louis said.

"Oh my God, don't talk about this here, yes, we should be prepared if that would happen. No pressure. Please, change the subject before I die from embarrassment." Harry whispered with blushed cheeks.

"Sorry, can I ask a couple of important questions if I whisper?" Louis wondered with his mouth next to Harry's ear.

"Yes." Harry agreed.

"You're really cute when you blush. Have you had sex before? I really hope you don't think I demand that we..." Louis whispered.

"I have and I don't think that. Have you had sex before?" Harry asked quietly in Louis' ear.

"Yes. One last question. Top or bottom?" Louis whispered.

"Bottom." Harry replied so quietly that Louis almost didn't hear him.

"Perfect. No more questions. Let's not stress about it. If it happens it happens naturally. Let's just be prepared in case it happens." Louis said quietly.

Harry was resting his back against Louis' chest and Louis hugged him closer.
"Okay." Harry whispered back.

"I really, really like you, Harry. A lot." Louis said.

"I really, really like you too. A lot." Harry replied while the butterflies in his stomach were trying to make a run for it.

He felt Louis kissing the top of his head.
"Good. Now, tell me about Prague. What are we doing?"

"Buying lube and condoms apparently." Harry grinned and once again glanced around them.

Louis burst out laughing.
"Other than that!"

"Well, we have to visit the Skeleton church! Sedlec Ossuary." Harry said and made Louis smile at how excited he looked.

"That sounds spooky." Louis commented.

"We can do something else if you don't want to see it." Harry offered.

"No, no, of course I want to see it! I never thought about visiting Prague so this is a lovely bonus. As long as I get to be with you I'm good." Louis smiled.

"That's so sweet. Why do you have to be so sweet? You're making it hard not to fall for you." Harry blurted out.

"Maybe that's my plan." Louis winked.

"You're doing a good job." Harry said and blushed.

Louis broke out in a sunshine smile. They didn't say anything else since it was time to get off the train. Harry handmade sure to book them a room and they headed to the hotel to get rid of their backpacks. Harry's bag was heavier now since he couldn't leave the suit he bought in Vienna. It was a nice suit!

Louis wrapped his arms around him and got up on his toes to give him a kiss.
"Where is this church of bones?"

"It's actually in a nearby town, Kutna Hora. We can take the train." Harry informed him.

"Alright, let's get going then." Louis smiled and planted one last kiss on Harry's lips before he let go.

Harry could easily just stay in this hotel room and make out for the rest of the day but he grabbed the things he needed and headed out. Louis slipped his hand in his, entwining their fingers together and Harry was falling so hard for him that it was ridiculous. He kept that to himself though and fired off a dimpled smile at Louis and squeezed his hand.

They went back to the train station and managed to find the right train. The church was located one kilometer from the station in Kutna Hora so they walked the distance and bought entrance tickets to see the church.
"Wow, are that actually real skeletons?" Louis questioned.

"Yes." Harry said.

"Disturbing but cool." Louis grinned.

After they had seen the church they took the train back to Prague and ate lunch. They tried a Chlebícky, which was just a nice sandwich with different toppings. When they were done eating Louis looked at Harry with sparkling eyes.
"It's time to go lube shopping."

"Alright." Harry laughed. He picked up his phone. "I never thought that I would google sex shops in Prague."

He found one and they hurried there and snuck inside. The man behind the register was very helpful in rough English and it took a while before he understood what they were looking for. They left the store with lube and condoms and they both laughed when they had exit the store.
"Poor guy. Did you have to do the hand gestures?" Harry questioned.

"Oh, well, it worked, didn't it?" Louis smirked.

"Yeah, uhm, so, what do you say about booking a tour to the Medieval underground?" Harry wondered.

"The what now?" Louis asked.

"Underneath the city, there's the Old Town network of tunnels and cellars." Harry explained.

"Prague is the coolest city! Absolutely!" Louis agreed.

They found their way to the box office and booked a tour. They spent the next hour and a half exploring the underground of the city and ended up eating a Medieval dinner with unlimited drinks and they were both drunk as they found their way back to their hotel room for the night.

They immediately started to make out and it got heated quickly. They were naked and horny but drunk so they agreed to not take it further and just helped each other get off before they fell asleep.

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