Barcelona, Spain

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It was a long train ride, about 22 hours to get from Lisbon to Barcelona. They ate their breakfast in the morning. They spent a lot of time looking out the window and playing cards. They talked a lot. Harry was crushing so badly. Louis was everything he had been looking for in a guy, and maybe, just maybe, Louis liked him too.

It wasn't like he was hitting on him in a very obvious way. Louis had given him some compliments here and there. Personal space wasn't an issue. They had slept in the same bunk bed two times now and Louis held him the whole night. He was touchy. He could fix his fringe or put a hand on his arm once in a while, as if he wasn't really thinking about his actions. It was just natural.

Maybe he was just friendly? Harry wasn't confident enough to make a move. He just waited to see if things would evolve. If Louis would take that step.

They bought lunch and dinner in the restaurant cart. They talked a lot. The conversation was flooding easily and it felt like they had known each other forever.

They took a nap in the afternoon, sharing a bunk bed. Either of them fell asleep but they laid still. Louis had his arm around Harry's torso and his breath tickled the back of Harry's neck.

They arrived in Barcelona at ten in the evening and decided to share a cab to the hotel they had booked a room at for the night. They were both tired as they entered the hotel room. The two single beds were pushed together and they didn't bother to separate them. They just brushed their teeth and crawled into bed together. Louis spooned Harry from behind and mumbled a "good night".

They woke up well-rested and eager to explore the city. During breakfast, Louis looked at Harry with glittery eyes.
"So, take out that list of yours. What's the plan for Barcelona?"

Harry smiled and took out his notebook.
"La Sagrada Família, ehm, Barri Gótic, Las Ramblas, Park Güell, and Mount Tibidabo."

"I have no idea what any of that is but it sounds awesome. Let's do it." Louis grinned.

"It's a church, The gothic quarters, a Street, a park, and a mountain with an amusement park on top." Harry informed him.

"Cool." Louis just said.

Harry looked at him.
"What do you want to do in Barcelona, Louis?" He asked softly.

Louis just shrugged his shoulders.
"Come on, there's something you wanna do. What?"

"Football. It's Barcelona. I would love to watch a game but there's probably not even a game today and we only have one day here and a lot of plans..." Louis rambled.

Harry picked up his phone to Google it.
" FC Barcelona versus Bayern Munich at six o'clock."

"Really? There's probably not even any tickets left and we have a busy day..." Louis said.

Harry clicked on ticket sales.
"I just bought us two tickets. We're watching football."

Louis' mouth dropped. He let out a loud squeal and threw himself at Harry and hugged him. He smacked a wet kiss on his cheek as well, making Harry blush.
"Thank you! You're the absolute best! Fuck! I'm so excited. Wait, do you even like football?"

"I'm sure I'm gonna love it." Harry laughed.

"Well, come on then. We have a lot to see before the game. Let's get our stuff!" Louis said. He was beaming.

They checked out of the hotel and found a locker to put their backpacks in before they started sightseeing. They headed to La Sagrada Família first. Harry snapped a lot of pictures. The famous church was magnificent.

Harry's phone rang and his eyes grew wide.
"Shit! I forgot to call my mum yesterday!"

He took the call.
"Hi, mum!"

"Thank God. You're not dead! Harry Edward Styles! You promised to call me every day. Every day!" His mother yelled.

"I'm sorry mum. We were on a train. Bad reception." Harry apologized.

"We?" His mother questioned.

"Uhm, Louis and I. I met him in France. He's from Doncaster." Harry informed her.

"So now you're talking to strangers?" His mother screeched.

Harry removed the phone from his ear so he wouldn't go deaf. Louis waved for him to hand it over and he put his hand over the speaker so she wouldn't hear him.
"You don't have to talk to her."

"Let me. Our mums are alike. I had to spend an hour on the phone with mine when we first met in Paris, assuring her that you're not a murderer." Louis smirked.

"How did you know that I'm not?" Harry joked.

Louis rolled his eyes.
"Please. A kitten is more dangerous."

"Harry?" His mum shouted at the other end of the line.

Louis waved his hand again so he handed the phone over.
"Hi Anne, my name is Louis and I promise you that I'm not gonna hurt Harry. He's really great and we're having an amazing time together. He's so well organized. Without him I would be totally lost. Oh, and that defensive spray you bought him was really effective. Hurt like hell."

Harry gasped and started to laugh.
"Oh. I'm sorry about that. As I mother is my job to worry." Anne answered.

"I get it. I'm gonna text me mum's number. Feel free to use it. She can vouch for me." Louis said.

They talked a few moments more before he handed back the phone to Harry.
"Hi, mum."

"He sounds like a wonderful boy but give me his mother's number." Anne said.

"You know I'm eighteen, right?" Harry sighed.

"Love you." Anne replied.

"Love you too." Harry said and hung up. He glanced at Louis.
"Well, that was embarrassing."

"Your mum is sweet and very protective." Louis smiled.

"Yeah." Harry chuckled.

Louis took his phone and sent his number to Harry's mum before he handed the phone back. He took Harry's hand in his.
"So, what's next?"

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