Rozdział 12

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Rayla: I can't believe we are getting closer to home. I'm Joyful, excited and scared.

Callum: Because you're nervous, I'm sure when they see Zym's little dragon, they will definitely help us.

Rayla: You're right.

 Rayla: We are already here.

Callum: It's nice here so modest.

Rayla: To enter, you have to perform a ritual is such a magical key.

Callum: I understand.

Rayla: Do what I do.

Rayla and Callum perform a magic dance.

Rayla: You can see it, this is my house.

Callum: Oh my.

Rayla: Come on, I'll show you everything. Where I went to school, I'll take you to the best berry moon surprise, oh and there are a dozen flenimu in our village, they'll definitely like you. There are so few of you that they welcome every newcomer nicely, and there has never been a sky flenimu in our village.

Callum: Rayla something is wrong.

Rayla: But what ?

Callum: They don't have faces.

Rayla: It's not them.... It's me... I... I am a ghost.

Callum: I don't understand ?

Rayla: They made me a ghost, it's such a magical exile.

Callum: It needs to be undone, surely there is someone to help.

Rayla: You're right.

Rayla: You remember Runnan, the leader of the assassins.

Callum: Yes I remember.

Rayla: When my parents left to serve in the dragon guard, I went to live with him and his husband Ethari.

Callum: Will he see you ?

Rayla: He would never use that spell.

Rayla stands in front of the door and lets the air out.

Rayla: Ethari is me.... Ethari ?

Callum: What happened ?

Ryala: Ethari you too.

Callum: It can't be like this. There must be a way for him to notice us.

Rayla: It doesn't make any sense.

Callum: Ethari or so, you didn't even give Rayla a chance to explain herself.

Suddenly, Ethari gets up.

Callum: I think it worked ?

Rayla: It's my reflection, she sees me.

Ethari: Rayla, I know you didn't betray them out of malice, but it doesn't matter. Theirs is gone, his is gone, because you left them.

Rayla runs out. 

Rayla sits next to Fontana.

Rayla: I already understand everything, only I survived.

Callum: How do you know that ?

Rayla: From this. When the assassins are sent out. Everyone gets a flower that floats as long as the assassin is alive.

Callum: So when the others sank.

Rayla: They thought I ran away, just like my parents did.

Next to Rayla stands Ethari.

Ethari: Well there you are. I wanted to see you. One thing I don't understand, how could you betray them ?

Rayla: I didn't betray them, we found something. Callum show him.

Callum: It is a pleasure to meet you.

Ethari: Flenimu sky, I have never seen any of you. Nice to meet you Callum.

Rayla: The dragon prince is alive.

Ethari: This is a miracle. Rayla: But the dragon queen is dying.

Rayla: We have to get there is the only way out.

Ethari whistles.

Ethari: You will get there faster on them.

Rayla quickly jumped on her mount, Callum trotting off with minor problems.

Ethari: I will send a letter to the dragon queen.

Ethari gives Rayla a necklace.

Ethari: Farewell to Rayla.

After this one they both leave. 

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