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Callum and Rayla were flying on Fifi, with Rayla asleep. Suddenly she wakes up looks at Callum who is sitting in the back.

Rayla: What are you doing ?

Rayla sees that he is watching his hands and touching his horns.

Callum: Em...nothing...I just.

Rayla laughs.

Rayla: I'm just calmly asking.

Callum: I just feel a little weird, you know with all this.

Callum pointed to his hands, ears and horns.

Callum: And I'm also sad that Ezran isn't here with me.

Rayla smiled warmly at Callum.

Rayla: I know you are sad, but in my opinion he did the right thing.

Callum: I know that too, and I also know that he will be a good king, I'm just sad that he won't see Xadia.

Rayla: When there is peace you will leave for Xadia together.

At this Callum smiled.

Rayla: You have nice horns, by the way.

Callum was about to say something, but suddenly Fifi began to lose altitude. Then she stopped flying and landed on the ground.

Callum: What happened ?

Rayla: I'm not sure, but I think it was because she got too far away from the weave.

Callum: Well, nothing, thank you, fly home.

After that Fifi stood and started flying back to the plexus.

Callum: Then what do we do now ?

Rayla: Well Xadia is there, behind that boundless liquid that I need to live and that I hate the most in the world.

Callum: Well, then we need to find a ship of some kind.

Before Callum entered the city Rayla stopped him.

Rayla: You know, to enter the city like that is not a good idea.

Callym looked after Rayla and then after himself.

Callum: Well maybe you are a little right, then, what is the plan ?

Rayla thinks for a moment, and then with a smile on her face pulls two necklaces out of her pocket.

Rayla: Lujanne said these will help us in situations like this.

Callum: Great, and what are these ?

Rayla: Necklaces that...okay I don't know.

Callum: Well, let's find out.

Callum takes from Rayla one of the necklaces with a green string, he guessed that the other necklace with a pink string is for Rayla. After that, they both put them on.

For moments nothing happened, but after a while the bodies of both began to glow white

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For moments nothing happened, but after a while the bodies of both began to glow white. After a while Callum looked the same as before the illusion was removed. He looked at Rayla and didn't know what to say. Rayla now had no horns, her ears were like those of a human, her elven markings were also gone, she now had five fingers and her clothes had changed.

Rayla: Why are you looking at me like that ?

Callum stood with his eyes wide open, at the same time his tongue was tangled.

Callum: Because...em...Rayla.

Rayla walked over to the barrel that contained the water. When she saw her reflection, she was badly frightened.

Rayla: I am a human being !

Callum looked at the necklace.

Callum: It seems to me that this spell is the same as with Ava's paw.

Rayla: It better be, because I prefer to be an elf.

Rayla watches her fifth fingers.

Callum: Hey, it's not that bad, now at least we can walk normally among humans without worrying that you know us.

Callum dragged his finger along his neck.

Rayla: You're right, and now though we need to find a ship.

Callum: And some kind of Captain.

Callum tucked Zym into his backpack. 

When they entered the city, they immediately separated. Rayla was walking quite unsteadily, it was strange to her that people, instead of throwing themselves at her, were nodding and waving to greet her, it even happened that someone treated her to a jelly cake. She walked around the port like this for about an hour, she even managed to like it, then Callum approached her.

Callum: Rayla, though I found a captain who agreed to ferry us to the other side.

Rayla: That's great.

Callum leads Rayle to the ship.

Callum: And how do you like being human ?

Rayla: It's not even as bad as I thought it would be.

Callum: I wonder how it will feel when we are in Xadia.

They've already found themselves close to the ship.

Callum: We are.

The captain turns to them.

Captain: Hello my name is Captain Villads !

Rayla sees that he is blind.

Callum: So you're saying that with favorable winds we'll cross the bay fairly quickly ?

Captain: Ay, of course, there is a storm coming.

Callum: The storm could be interesting.

Captain: Also we have to postpone the trip for a few days.

Rayla: Only that we are in a hurry, can't something be done ?

Captain: If we sail right away we can cross the bay and escape the storm.

Callum: Yes let's do it.

Captain: Of course, unless the storm finds us in the middle of the bay and we all drown.

The captain laughed, after which they boarded the ship and sailed away.

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