Rozdział 9

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Rayla looks overboard and vomits.

Captain: Yes, I can smell land.

Rayla: Finally.

Parrot: Don't interrupt.

Captain: It's a faint smell of distant land.

Parrot: Well, that's just it.

Captain: We have a day of travel ahead of us.

Rayla can't stand it and goes below deck with Zym.

Callum pulls out a letter from Harov and looks at the seal.

After a moment, he puts it aside.

Rayla: Why don't you read it ?

Callum gets so scared that he falls off the bed.

Rayla: Yes bad do I look as a man ?

Callum: No, from where, that, just simply, I was thoughtful.

Rayla sat down next to Callum.

Callum: I've had this letter for a few days now, but I can't bring myself to open it. I know, I know it sounds strange, but right now these are the words he didn't tell me, they're here waiting to be read. But once I do, once I read the last of them, he is then truly gone, forever.

Rayla: Callum, he will never be gone.

Callum: How ?

Rayla: Those we love stay with us forever, in our memories and in our hearts.

Callum: You're right, thanks Rayla.

Callum takes and breaks the seal, then begins to read it aloud.

Callum: Dear Callum, I don't know where to start first, so it's best if I start at the beginning. Over the years, there have been times when I've let things get away from me. Since I am your stepfather, I wanted to give you the space to love your real father, even though you never met him. Now I wonder if I should be closer to you. I wonder if showing how much I loved you has tainted your relationship with him. Callum I know I am not your father, but in my eyes and in my heart, you are my son. I see myself in you, I am proud of you, and I love you unconditionally. As I write this the lunar assassins, are preparing to end my life, a few months ago I took revenge on Xadia, tonight it will be their turn.

When I leave your brother Ezran, he will become king. And you Callum, you will support, help and defend him.

I have a request for you, be free from the past, because the past limits you. You are free Callumie, free, I am sure you will find your way.

Callumie, what I reveal to you now will change your life. The truth about your father.

Your mother told me very little, the whole thing you were supposed to know on your sixteenth birthday. But I will reveal to you what I know myself, the rest, if you wish, you must find out for yourself.

The most important point is that your father is a sky elf. I know what you're thinking now, my father can't be an elf, I don't look like an elf after all. However, it's true, and the reason you look like an ordinary person is because a spell was cast on you.

Good news, because you are in Banter court.

Rayal: Yes Banter court.

Callum just smiled.

Callum: Now go upstairs to the game chamber, there I have hidden an unusual cube with runic symbols on each side. This cube is an ancient relic passed down from generation to generation. It belonged to the elven wizard of Xadia, the arch mage Aaravos, master of all six primordial springs. It's hidden in a box of keys because it's known as the key of Aaravos, and legends say it opens something in Xadia of great power.

And here's a surprise, because your father is a powerful mage of the sky elves, cool no, so I think you will make use of this cube.

Unfortunately, that's all your mother told me. All I know more is that if you want to know more go to the Cursed Cardela, there you will learn more.

Finally, I say again that I love you Callum.

Callum after finishing the letter cried, Rayla hugged him. After that they left for the ship.

Rayla: Is it far ?

Captain: I can feel the land.

Callum: What was the shadow ?

Captain: You ask the evil pirate.

Rayla: No, it was a dragon. 

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