Rozdział 10

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Soren: Are you sure we can find them here ? As to tond we follow them without success.

Claudia: I am more than sure.

Soren: All right, then we are going to the city.

They entered the city.

Rayla: It is here, beyond this town there is a road to Xadia.

Callum: What do you mean the road to Xadia, I don't suppose you're saying that it's possible to enter Xadia just like that ? Can one ?

Rayla: It is the best that you can, there is an enchanted path.

Callum: Then we go to the city.

Rayla: That's rather a bad idea.

Callum: Why, after all, they won't recognize us.

Rayla: I know, but I'll feel better somewhere else.

Callum: Maybe there we can find some caves for the night ?

Callum pointed to the nearby mountains.

Rayla: Yes that's a good idea.

They went to the mountains to find a place to spend the night, to their delight they quickly found a cave. They settled down to sleep. Callum fell asleep almost immediately, but Rayla couldn't fall asleep. She got up and went over the cliff and looked at the city over which the dragon was flying.

In the process, she again surreptitiously touched her fifth finger.

Callum: How bad is it to have five fingers ?

Rayla: No, not that bad. And you can't sleep either ?

Callum: I'm just thinking about the fact that I'll be in Xadia before long.

Rayal: And that scares you so much ? Be that as it may, you will feel at home.

Callum: It's not that I don't want to go to Xadia, on the contrary, I want to meet people like me, learn magic, just....

Rayla: Only ?

Callum: Only that I can meet my father there.

Rayla: And that worries you ?

Callum: To meet an elf who abandoned his family, had no interest in them.

Rayla: Callum I know it might be hard for you if you meet him, but you don't know why he left you. Perhaps he did it, out of heartache, to protect you. There is death for an elf-human relationship, for all of you.

Callum let the air out.

Callum: You may be right.

At that they heard a huge roar.

Callum: What was that ?

Rayla: Oh no.

Rayla and Callum watched as the dragon destroyed the entire city. After a while the dragon fell not far from them.

Rayla: Let's go there quickly.

They ran to the dragon and saw it lying there. They quickly ran up and took out an arrow that was sticking out of its side. When they heard someone approaching, they hid in the bushes.

Claudia: Well, you see, and you were so afraid.

Soren: I think the dragon is dead ?

Soren gets off his horse and approaches the dragon.

Rayla at this time pulls out her blades.

Soren: But it's better to be sure.

He pulls out his sword and aims it at the dragon.

Callum: Rayla what do you want to do ?

Rayla: This dragon will not die.

She quickly runs out and throws herself at Soren. However, this one manages to block the blow.

Soren: Who are you and why are you defending this dragon ?

Rayal: Nothing to do with you !

The fight continues, Callum meanwhile sits hidden with Zym. Suddenly Soren strikes so hard that he smashes Rayal's necklace which makes him return to his true form.

Soren: What happened... moment... you're an elf.

Rayal: It's that assassin, so the princes must be close.

Callum: Right.

Claudia: Callum how good it is that you are okay.

Callum: Is it true ?

Claudia: What is it ?

Callum: Is it true that you wanted to kidnap Zym and kill Rayle.

Claudia: Callum ... I... I will explain everything to you.

Callum: You don't have to explain anything to me.

Callum rips off his necklace and at this moment his little horns appear, his fifth fingers disappear, his ears become pointy, spots appear on his skin the color of the sky during a storm and a single strand of hair changes color.

Claudia: Callum what is it ? What are you ?

Rayla: Such a nice surprise for you.

Callum takes a breath and throws a powerful aspiro, causing everyone to be thrown quite a distance. He quickly runs up to Rayla, and Zym comes out of the bushes.

Callum: Are you okay ?

Rayla: No nothing, thanks.

The dragon at this time rises. He sniffs all three, then points to his back. They quickly get on and fly away.

They land right on the border.

Rayla: It's still too weak to continue flying.

Callum: How do we get to Xadia ?

Rayla: Look.

Suddenly runes began to appear on the path.

Rayla: By walking on stones with runes.

When they were at the end, the sun was starting to rise.

Rayla: Oh no.

Callum: Faster.

However, the sun was faster and had already begun to rise.

That's when Zym flew out of Callum's hands and began to fly. This flight was weak, but strong enough for him to cover the sun with his body. He succeeded long enough for Rayla and Callum to cross to the other side.

Rayal: Zym you made it.

After that, Zym started licking Rayla's face.

Callum: Yes Rayla we made it we are in Xadia.

After that they hugged each other.

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