"Well, it's only for two months and then you can go back to your Unit Chief position" he reminds me

"Of course...". He rubs my hand and smiles. "Should we go upstairs to announce it to the witch now?" I suggest.

He chuckles. "I got it. You stay here"

"Ok". He kisses my head and he leaves my office.

Surprisingly, he returned only a few minutes later. "Done" he says as he closes my door

"Done? She didn't argue? She didn't even ask for details?" I ask

"Well, she... There is a new case is in Boston. She wants to come along and observe until she makes it happen officially. We'll start when she comes down here in a few" he answers

"Boston? But it's so close to Salem, I hope she knows what they do to witches there" I say as I stand up

He laughs and wraps his arms around me. "Why do you hate her so much? I mean, sure, she is tough but she is also doing her job" he asks

"It's a long story. You don't go up the chain of command without some dirty play, right?"

"What happened?" he strokes my cheek.

I look away and I shake my head. "It doesn't matter now" I answer, trying to smile

"Lexie, what did we say about you pushing your feelings down?" he reminds me
"You're not going to hurt me or make me think you're weak if you tell me or if you cry in front of me" he continues to rub my cheek and I continue to avoid his eyes.

"She's coming down any minute. We wouldn't want her to find us locked in here together and give her another reason" I say as I escape from his grip and I walk out of the office.

First double homicide a week ago, second double homicide last night and the deceased couple's baby is currently missing. So time is of the essence.

They already have a suspect in custody. Aaron and I headed there while the others visited the crime scenes but, of course, Strauss decided to come with us.

The chief there lead us to the interrogation room and we stood behind the glass while he went back in with the suspect. But almost immediately we understood that the bad cop method wasn't the right one for this guy.

"I told you, he isn't saying anything" he says as he comes out

"We'll see about that. Can I?" I ask Aaron

"Go ahead"

"Wait" Strauss interrupts
"You didn't discuss approach and you're sending her in?" she asks

"She knows" he replies and nods for me to continue.

"Good morning, Daniel. I'm Agent Alexandra Barnes with the FBI"

"FBI? I told you guys a hundred times, I didn't kill anyone" he says

"You don't have to repeat it, I heard you" I say as I sit down

"Then why am I still here?" he asks

"Because I didn't believe you".

He chuckles and sits back to his chair. "What do I need to do to convince you, darling? I was here all night"


"Someone else died tonight, didn't they? Isn't that why you're here?"

"No" I lie and his face almost turns ghost white.

"No?" he asks

"No. I just came to ask if you wanted breakfast" I answer

"Just coffee, black"

"I'll have someone--"

"You bring it, darling" he smiles.
I smile back and I leave the room.

"Honey definitely works better than vinegar in this case" I say as soon as I close the door

"And what did we get from that 2-minute interaction?" Strauss asks

"He is definitely guilty of something" I answer

"And he has at least one more partner" Aaron adds.

They bring two coffees to Lexie and she goes back in. Immediately, his eyes light up.

"Sorry I'm late. I was waiting for my boss to take off. I'm not really supposed to give into a suspect's desires" she almost giggles

"Oh, naughty girl..." he smirks. She laughs and they chat while both drinking their coffee.

I can tell that while flirting she is leading him to the topics she wants. And I can't help but feel that behavior of hers a little too familiar.

"She seems awfully good at this" the officer that is standing on my right comments

"Yeah, that's why she was always the best one to go undercover when needed. She is good at seducing people" Strauss says from my left, giving me a side eye in the end.

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