"I'm coming" Dave replies to her
"I have to go. Think about it" he says to me this time

"22nd. Don't forget it" I say and I hung up.

Her POV (on the 22nd)
I don't make a big deal of my birthday. The last time I celebrated my birthday was probably when I turned 16, and after that my dad left.
Thankfully, I don't think anyone on the team knows when my birthday is, except Aaron.

The second I step in the bullpen, Emily rushes to me. Oh no...
"Hey, I came as soon as Rossi told me. He's calling everyone he knows and I'm pulling every contact I have overseas" she says

"Woah, what?" I ask confused

"We'll find them"

"Find them? Emily, what are you talking about? What happened?"

"Rossi didn't tell you? There was an attack close to where Hotch's unit is located. None of them checked in last night" she informs me.

My heart drops and I run to his office. Emily follows me "Why didn't you call me?" I ask him immediately.

He hungs up his phone "I didn't want to worry you without checking everything yet" he answers

"So, you don't have any news?"

"I don't".

My eyes fill with tears and I cover my face with my hands in order to hide it.
"Take a seat, Lex" Emily suggests and helps me.

Rossi sits across from me to get to my level. "I know this is scary, but we shouldn't assume the worse. We'll find him and he's going to be ok" he says

"You don't know that" I argue, keeping my eyes down

"You're right, I don't. But we have to keep it together. The rest of the team doesn't know. I only told Emily because she has contacts. The plan was not to tell anyone else until we had news"

"Sorry" Emily replies.

He turns back to me again "If you can't focus and you need to go home, go. If you think you can keep it together, stay"

"There is a new case for today, but it's like 20 minutes from here, I can stay. But I want you to give me an update as soon as you learn something, whatever that is" I demand

"I will" he agrees.

"Good. We're presenting in 30 minutes" I say and I stand up. I go to my office and I sit down in my chair.

"Happy freaking birthday" I whisper to myself as I close my eyes.

What was that?
I open my eyes again and I look at the little box that was left on my desk.

I pick it up and I carefully open the dark purple wrapping paper. A white card falls out of it.

"Happy birthday, Lexie. 🤍
I want you to have the best day today. You don't want me to be grumpy everyday, so I need you to not be grumpy on your birthday. You deserve a break and to celebrate.
I hope you like what I got you.
I really wish I'd be there with you right now. I miss you.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I read his words. He put a heart on it. Aaron Hotchner drew a heart on my card. And he told ME to not be grumpy.

I wipe that tear quickly and I pick up the small box. I open it and I feel more tears coming.

Inside the small box is a necklace. Purple stone in the middle and smaller diamonds around it.

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'Alexandrite...' I remember.

We were working a case in Texas and had just returned to the hotel late at night. Aaron and I took a shower and were resting in bed together.

He wraps his arm around me and I scoop closer. I rest my head and hand on his chest and he kisses me as I do.

"You're spoiling me, you know. How am I going to start sleeping alone again in a few days?" I wonder

"I was thinking the same thing" he answers.

I lift my head and I turn to face him, while still staying on his chest. He smiles and kisses my lips.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, you're just beautiful" he says as he rubs my cheek. I laugh and I hide my blushing face.
"No, hey, I want to look at you" he chuckles as he lifts my face again.
"You're eyes are gorgeous. I like green"

"Wow, does Aaron Hotchner like something other than black and grey?" I ask causing him to laugh.

"Well, I'm not quite like some other people that only like purple so they buy everything in that color"

I gasped, pretending to be shocked
"I do not buy everything in purple"

"Right. Only what you can find. And don't argue with me on this because I've been to your house"

"Ok, I may have a little problem. But I love purple. And even my birthstone is purple!" I inform him

"June 22nd is... Alexandrite?" he asks

"Yes! How did you know my birthday?"

"I remember it from your resume. No lying about your age here" he jokes and kisses me.

I pull away to look at him "You're amazing" I say and I kiss him again.
End of flashback

Many tears are streaming down my cheeks now. "Come back to me, please" I whisper as I hold the card against my chest.

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