Letter 10

99 7 0

Dear Taehyun,

Today was the day I moved into the hospital. According to some of the doctors I have been seeing, I had to stay in the hospital to "be monitored for any signs of deterioration" and to "stabilize her condition." In the human language, it means that I have to stay so that a) doctors can see whether or not my disorder may get worse and b) I can get proper treatment to improve my condition. My parents, being the worrying parents they are, immediately agreed and shipped me off to the hospital, not bothering to tell me until the very last second. As of right now, I am currently in inner turmoil about whether I should be raging over the fact that they hadn't told me or grateful that I have such great parents. Probably both.

The hospital is so... hospital-y. I know, great description. But honestly, that was the most basic way I could describe the hospital.

It was mostly white, red, and the occasional light cyan. The hospital was very busy, but not in an eardrum-shattering way, unless there was some emergency going on, which there was half the time.

The noises the hospital makes are so annoying. I swear, those carts whisking back and forth are so squeaky. When I was taking a nap earlier, I heard them and squealed like a pig because I thought there was a mouse. Scary. And don't you even get me started on the next door patient's snoring. I don't want to be rude, but his snoring was at like 75 decibels.

I've been in hospitals before but only for checkups. Now that I've experienced being in a hospital for a whole day, I never want to experience it again after this blows over. I'm shuddering in my cot, writing to you, as I imagine how tomorrow is going to be. Just fantastic.


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