Letter 8

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Dear Taehyun,

If you haven't counted them, this is my 8th letter so far. It feels like it was just yesterday since I wrote my first letter to you in my room.

I suppose I should start telling you more about what's happening to me. There's more reasons behind these letters and me wanting to contact you after 5 months. Maybe the reason why I haven't told you them yet is because... I'm afraid.

I mentioned in one of my previous letters that I was not as healthy as before. As you might've guessed (from that big brain of yours), I'm sick. The truth is, I have a disorder, one that is quite rare to have. It wasn't something I could've avoided, no, fate decided this for me and nothing could change it.

This illness of mine is inherited and I was unlucky to bear it in my DNA. I suppose you want the scientific explanation. My disorder is-

Her hand stopped midway. Euna could feel a cough rising and quickly raised arm to her mouth prevent to germs from spreading. COUGH!

She gently removed her arm from her mouth... and felt chills running up and down in her body as she glanced at her arm. Invisible hands were gripping her throat, trying to extinguish her last breaths.

Blood dripped from her arm slowly like a trickling stream flowing against its banks. It wasn't a big amount of it, yet Euna's eyes widened in horror as she watched it trail down onto the paper, leaving small red-soon-to-be-brown dots on the crisp, white paper. Quickly, she rushed into the bathroom and gently washed off the blood. She dried her arm with a towel and felt sickening. She was hungry earlier, but after seeing that sight, she felt like she would never regain an appetite.

Euna wasn't getting better at all, she knew it in her bones and in her DNA, where her disease laid, waiting for a perfect time to strike. Her vision was getting blurry and hazy with brimming tears that threatened to fall.

She stumbled into her room and wiped her eyes. Shoot, what was she going to do about the letter? The dots lingered on the paper, reminding her about what just happened and the truth. The harsh, real truth. One she couldn't evade.

Euna forced a smile as she sat down. She picked up her pen as if nothing had happened and continued to write, ignoring those haunting red dots splattered on the paper.

a genetic condition in which both parents must carry the gene. Even so, it's still pretty rare to get it with a 25% of getting it, 50% of carrying the gene, but not getting it, and 25% of having no traces at all. Haha, I guess the Punnett square is actually useful for something, but I still hate Science all the same. I guess some things never change.

For some reason, I'm feeling sort of sleepy, even though I'm having more sleep than I need lately. I suppose that's the end for this letter, Taehyun. Sorry, that it's too short, assuming you are reading this. Oh, and I forgot, tell your mom happy late birthday for me!


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