82||World mission Pt.5

Start from the beginning

"FINALLY!" Jetray exclaims. "I've been trying to get this guy all week..."

the Humarise disciples fire automatic rifles at the children as Forever knights join with their laser lances.

"Small fry should stay put!" Bakugou roars unleashing a volley of concussive blasts at the troops knocking them over.

"Small fry should stay put!" Bakugou roars unleashing a volley of concussive blasts at the troops knocking them over

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some of the Humarise members start using their quirks as Forever knights add to it with cannons.

"Guess I shouldn't be too surprised the Forever Knobs are working with Humarise..." Jetray sighs as he shoots Neuroshock blasts at them.

a Forever Knight cannon fires at Bakugou throwing him off balance as Midoriya lands and knocks it over with an air force blast.

"Kacchan!" he calls out

"YEAH I KNOW!" Bakugou barks as he turns his onslaught onto the entrance opening it up for the boys.

Todoroki lands as well unleashing a wave of ice taking out several other Humarise and Forever knight members.

Todoroki lands as well unleashing a wave of ice taking out several other Humarise and Forever knight members

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Jetray swoops in and catches Midoriya mid-air.

Jetray holds Midoriya with his feet as the green boi fires repeated air force blasts to continue clearing the way for himself, Jetray and Todoroki.

"Bakugou!" Todoroki calls out "we'll leave outside to you!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugou growls as he does exactly as he's told, bombarding the troops outside.

"Stop!" a forever knight calls out as Todoroki creates an ice barrier protecting both Midoriya and Jetray.

"We're taking a right at the end here!" Midoriya orders as Jetray makes a hard right.

as they fight through the halls a turret activates tearing through Todoroki's barrier like pelted stones through glass.

Todoroki quickly counter attacks with a fire wire destroying the turret.

"Todoroki!" Midoriya calls out.

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