30||Super Moves

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everyone is moved to a facility where they will all be testing out ideas for Ultimate moves.

Cementoss says that Iida's "RESPRO BURST" Would be considered an Ultimate Move.

Iida seems to pee his pants a little hearing this.

Aizawa says that everyone will be undergoing Intense training to bring out an Ultimate move.

Ben already has a few he's used in his "Vigilante days"

but coming up with at least one ultimate move per alien could be nice...

Aizawa also suggests the students upgrade their costumes.

the pro hero Ectoplasm clones himself to spar with all the students at once

Benwolf is fighting an ectoplasm clone swinging his claws at the dummy as he dodges the attacks.

"Is that all you have Tennyson?" The clone taunts as he kicks him in the gut.

mid-air Benwolf unleashes a sonic howl before quickly reverting and turning into the first thing the omnitrix gives him.

Now Ditto, our hero swarms the lone clone with his own clones and proceeds to kick the ever loving shit out of him

like they go full gangsta on his ass

poor guy never stood a chance

he's beaten to a pulp until he dissipates into smoke.

Ditto12:"Well that's going to be effective"

Ditto6:"I know right? hey good job out there."

Ditto3:"Aw shucks you're making me blush."

Ditto6:"No, not you him."


Ditto7:"No I think he means me."

Ditto14:"Hey, I did most of the kicking!"

Ditto4:"Bullshit, you were off on the side."

Ditto20:"We all did our parts equally."

Ditto13:"Easy for you to say, you kept pushing me out of the way."

Ditto20:"You wanna fight, nerd!"

Ditto13:"Bring it on!"

the Dittos then proceed to argue up until they time out

later Ben is on his way to the development studies room where he meets up with Midoriya, Iida and ochaco who are also on their way

Midoriya knocks on the door before it suddenly explodes

he's blown to the side as Ben cushions his fall as they both slam into the wall

Hatsume falls face first on the ground

she shoots up

"Well that didn't work." she says unphased

(This avoidance of the fanservice has been brought to you by Alien X: always there so the author doesn't need to write fanservice)

she doesn't even remember them....

"Hatsume tends to not remember things that she isn't interested in." Iida sighs.

"Oh Hi Ben." Hatsume greets as she sees him.

"Sup Mei." Ben waves.

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