80||Worlds Mission pt.3

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the boys are driving through an empty road.

"At this rate we'll be in Klayd in no time." Ben remarks.

the other boy is silent...

"I can't wait to be done with this..." Ben groans rubbing his head. "This entire situation is giving me migraines..."

again the other boy fails to respond, a dead stare focused on the road.

"You're usually a lot chattier than this." Ben states. "Is there something wrong?"

at that moment Ben realizes....

he can't move....

no matter how hard he tries his body is paralyzed.

as Ben begins to panic the deafening sound of bone crunching and flesh ripping rings in his ears.

the boy's head twists snapping his neck to face our hero without moving his body

staring him down black cracks form around his void-like Scleroses

the only light being two familiar purple pupils

"Ben... Tennyson...." the creature inhabiting the omnitrix hisses as it glares into his soul.

Ben awakens with a start smacking his face into the dashboard.

"Woah!" the boy chuckles. "You alright, buddy?"

"Y-Yeah..." Ben Hyperventilates clutching his chest as he catches his breath. "I just... It was just a nightmare..."

"So did you send that message to your friends?" the boy inquires.

"Yep," Ben Responds still somewhat asleep looking at his phone. "I sent them a coded text telling them where we're going and removed the battery..."

both boys are suddenly jerked forward as their truck is rear-ended.

they look behind to see a van attempting to run them off the road.

at the wheel are four forever knights.

"YOU HABOOBS STOLE OUR MATES RIDE!!!" the driver exclaims as he catches up with the truck.

Ben's companion desperately swerves trying to lose them to no avail.

one of the knights climbs out of the window and mounts himself on the roof of the van.

"WITNESS ME!!!" he roars as he pulls out a laser lance and begins to open fire upon the truck.

the boy ducks as the shots pierce the truck.

one of the blasts hits the engine as smoke begins to obscure their vision.

"OH SHI--" the boy begins screaming as Ben activates the Omnitrix and slams down.

"OH SHI--" the boy begins screaming as Ben activates the Omnitrix and slams down

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