Voldemort raised his wand again and whirled it through the air.

Something appeared out of thin air that attached itself to Wormtails, dismantled arm.

It was a new hand, but it was made of steel.

"My Lord," he murmured. "Master...it is beautiful...thank you, thank you.."

He scrambled forward on his knees and kissed the hem of Voldemort's robes.

"May your loyalty never vary again, Wormtail," Voldemort said as he looked down at the servant.

"No, my Lord...never, my Lord..."

Voldemort then paced around the circle, taking names of those who were there. And those who weren't.

"And here we have six missing Death Eaters...three dead in my service. One, too cowardly to return...he will pay. One, who I believe has left me forever...he will be killed, of course...and one, who remains my most faithful servant, and who has already reentered my service."

He murmured again pacing back over to the other Death Eaters that held their head high.

He then sauntered over to stand next to Harry, so that all eyes were on the two of them.

Everyone had bypassed that there was a dead body, settled on the ground.

"All because of you.." Voldemort said looking towards Harry.

Voldemort moved slowly forward and turned to face Harry. He raised his wand.


It was pain beyond anything Harry could handle.

He stood there enduring it while the tomb held him back.

It was unbearable.

He felt as if he was going to die.

Not until Voldemort stopped.

The tomb dropped Harry to the ground.

Voldermort had moved away with his wand pointed over to Harry.

"Wormtail. Give him his wand."

The servant obeyed, roughly picking the boy up and giving him his wand.

"You have been taught how to duel am I correct, Harry Potter?" Voldemort said softly, his eyes flickering through the darkness.

Harry didn't reply as he held his arm in pain. Harry got a glimpse of the people who were there. But one person stood out the most for him.

Draco's Father.

Lucius Malfoy.

Voldemorts voice caused him to look back at him.

"First, We bow to each other. Harry," said Voldemort, bending a little, but keeping his snakelike face upturned to Harry. "Come, the niceties thing must be observed.. Dumbledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners now." He said while he continued.

The Death Eaters were laughing as Voldemort's lipless mouth formed into a smile. Harry still didn't bow. He was not going to let Voldemort play with him before killing him.

"I said, bow," Voldemort said, raising his wand.

He forced the boy to bow this time.

"That-a-boy, And now we duel.."

Voldemort raised his wand once again. Before Harry could do anything to defend himself, or before he could even move, he had been hit again by the Cruciatus Curse.

Harry couldn't take any more pain. One more curse and he felt as if he would reunite with his parents.

Voldemort approached him once again, leaning down to face the boy.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. (𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now