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Bitsy hasn't shown up since Monday. Tammy also couldn't make it this week, only Velma convinced her husband to let her go.

"Velma! I didn't expect you to show up!"

"I got permission to visit you. I was hoping you could help me with something." As always, but that's why I am here, right?

"How can I help?"

"Our... sex life isn't going that well. I don't know what to do." Well, that was new. I heard everything from her already, but this was different.

"Oh well... and you need help with?"

"I would love to spice things up with him. Don't you have something that could do that?"

Sometimes I felt like they thought I could make everything happen. I had magic on my side, sure, but not everything should be done with it.

"Fine. Yes, I have something." I sighed and stood up from my chair. I checked my drawer and took a small bag, which I handed over to her.

"It's my own aphrodisiac mix, sprinkle it into his food. Trust me, after that he won't let you leave the bed." Something was telling me I shouldn't do that, but she looked so desperated.

"Thank you, Poppy, I owe you so much!" I just smiled at her. I was getting tired of this already.

A week flew by quickly. It was Wednesday and surprisingly all the girls were at Thornhill with me. They never came on Wednesdays, but i was happy to have them around. We discussed every news and gossips they had. From their private life to Tammy's job and more. Then a light knock on the door interrupted our talk.

It surprised me honestly. Everyone that ever visited me was here. I put my cup on the table and with an excuse I left to answer the door.

It was a woman. A breath taking woman with a brown skin, beautiful curly black hair, full lips and deep hazel eyes. She was just perfect. But something in my mind was telling me that we've met before, I was having deja vu while looking at her.

"Hello? How can I help you?" I smiled kindly and she did the same immediately.

"Hi, my name's Natalia. Tammy told me that someone named Poppy is hosting a tea session here. I would love to join if it's not a problem." She spoke so confidently but her body language told me she was nervous.

"Indeed. I'm Poppy, please come in." I stepped away from the door so she could walk in. After I closed the door I walked to the living room with Natalia close behind me. I felt her eyes on me the whole time, a warm energy run through my body at that moment.

"Ladies, we have someone who would like to join us. Could you introduce yourself?" When Natalia nodded, I brought another chair for her and poured a tea into her cup.

"Hello, my name is Natalia. I'm Tammy's childhood friend, she told me about this session and I thought I could find some friends here." She accepted the cup with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. My heart melted at the sight.

"So you just moved here?" Velma asked.

"Yes. My husband and I moved from Greendale. But I was born here in Riverdale." Of course she was married. She was gorgeous, how could she be single.

"Oh! You are married? What's his name?" Tammy was surprised, shouldn't friends know these things about each other?

"His name is Felix, we got married few months ago." For someone who's been married for this short time she sounded unsatisfied.

"You don't sound really happy." I pointed out as I sipped my tea. She hesitated if she should talk about it or not.

"Well, it's not what it used to be. But I'm sure it will get better." After that we changed the topic. It was clear that she didn't want to talk about it and we all respected that.

I was sitting in the living room reading one of my favorite books. It was Saturday evening and I had my day off. None of the girls came here on weekends so I could relax after a long week.

I was almost finished with another chapter when a loud knock filled the corridors of Thornhill. I put the book down and made my way to the front door. When I opened it my eyes landed on Jack Jones with Bitsy standing behind him.

"Can I help you?"

"You actually can, Blossom. How dare you stick your nose into our private life?!" I was so confused. Why would Bitsy tell him...

"Excuse me?"

"I know what you did, I'm warning you, do it again and I will make your life a living hell. Bitsy?" She looked so scared  I felt sorry for her, but not like I used to. I always knew I could treat her better than him, but at this moment I somehow didn't pitty her. It was like my feelings for her completely disappeared.

I loved her, I really did. But something changed.

"I'm sorry, Poppy. I didn't mean what I said. I would love to have another child with Jack, you just misunderstood." Her smile was so fake it made me sick. I turned my gaze at Jack for the last time before they left.

"Stay away from our marriage, woman." He stood so close to me that I could smell his breath. I was uncomfortable but still didn't break the eye contact. I closed the door and let my tears run down my cheeks freely.

𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬  /choni/Where stories live. Discover now