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I wasn't able to focus on anything. I couldn't think clearly. My rituals and spells were exhausting me and didn't go as planned.

I was frustrated.

My thoughts kept returning to the young woman living just few rooms away from mine own.

Her spirit was pure, just like her heart. I could feel it. Her full kissable lips were seducing me everytime my eyes land on them. Her body did the same, she looked like a Goddess.

And her eyes, oh her eyes...

These beautiful brown eyes might not be the color of the ocean, but I drown in them everytime.

Why did this feel so right when it's supposed to be forbidden?

"And as Edgar Allan Poe wrote-"

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, Abigail, " A soft knock on the door and Thomasina's voice filled the room.

"The Bailey's Comet is gonna fly over the town in a week. I was thinking that maybe we could watch it with the girls." All the students gave me hopeful look. Not again...

"Thomasina, we talked about this already."

"I know, but it could be a beautiful experience and it would open their eyes about life. It's almost like a poem." She was stubborn. Which wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't in front of the girls.

"It's not really... lady like to run in the woods at night." I closed the book I was holding and put it on the table.

"We should teach them everything they'll need, starting with more than just basic science, literature and how to be a housewife." I was speechless. Why would she interrupt my lesson for this.

"We live in a man's world, Thomasina. We teach these girls everything they'll need to survive in it. Astronomy is not included and that's my last word. Did I make myself clear?." My voice got intense and there was a silence for a whole minute until she turned to the door.

"Of course." And with that, she left.

My rituals were getting even worse after the argument we had earlier this day.

What if there was possibility that I was wrong? What if the world will change? Should we prepare the girls for a world that could come in the future?

Indeed, she was probably right. I sighed, left my room and walked down the stairs to the living room.

Thomasina was standing by the telescope, looking at the dark sky.

"Thomasina?" I rubbed my hands nervously as I called her name.

She didn't say anything, she just raised one eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.

"Listen... I am sorry, you were right." Her eyes softened.

"I was?" She came closer, never breaking the eye contact.

"Yes. We should prepare the girls for a world that could once come."

"I also want to apologize, Abigail." She let out a sigh and locked her gaze on the floor.

"I shouldn't have argue with you in the class and just respect your opinion on it. But I'm glad you agree now." She smiled, she smiled so widely that I could melt.

"You look exhausted, I guess your rituals still aren't working, right?" Wait, what. How could she possibly know about that.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as goosebumps covered my body.

"I get exhausted like this too when mine don't work out." Oh God was this really happening?

"Besides, I saw your room once. You are also a witch, aren't you?" When did she see my room...

"I-I am." I nodded with my eyes wide open.

She was impossibly close, I could smell her perfume all around me.

I took a small step closer and leaned slowly toward her.

A warm feeling run through my body as she did the same, connecting our lips together.

My mind was blank, all I could think of was the sensational warm feeling, it felt like a fire running in my veins. Also our lips swaying in a sweet slow dance and Thomasina's soft hands on my cheeks.

"Wait." I said between the kisses.

"This is wrong, We're committing a sin." I started panicking.

"But it feels so right." She whispered against my lips, pecking them once more.

"It does." I rested our foreheads together with a smile on my face.

"Then it's not wrong, Abigail. We're connected, can't you feel it?"

I was cupping her cheeks softly, glancing between her eyes and lips.

"I can feel it since the moment I saw you."

𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬  /choni/Where stories live. Discover now