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The next evening, same place, same atmosphere. Only she was not in her normal state. Her face seemed hard, strict and reflected a certain embarrassment. She was not having fun, a first. She was simply doing her job. To everyone's eyes, she was trying to look cheerful and seductive, but even her eyes refused. She moved so much that few people noticed, but a face doesn't lie. She had been thinking about it all night, asking herself the same question, "why".
Yet, and she knew it, she would never find the answer. She had tortured her brain and couldn't stop thinking about it. She had slept all day until her shift, but she didn't seem to have rested. The time had come, a time she had been waiting for since the first step she had taken on the stage, her break.
She sat in a chair, eyes blank as she took a deep breath.

-What's wrong baby? he had asked softly, sitting down in front of her.

She raised her head, looking at him before shaking it.

-Reiji. Nothing important, for real.

-Just talk to me. You know you can tell me anything.

-It's all right. Besides, aren't you supposed to be at the bar?

-No, it's not my shift today. I'm here as the owner tonight. I am supervising and taking care of my employees. However, one refuses to talk and that worries me even more since she is my sweet little sister.

She smiled stupidly, shaking her head again.

-We are not related, dummy.

-Not by blood, that is. However, after all we've been through together, I consider you one.

She looked at him with affection, her eyes taking on some feeling.

-Come on, get five more minutes of rest before you go back on duty. But if you want to go home, let me know and I'll drive you.

She nodded to him that she didn't have to before standing up. She watched him leave, her smile gradually evaporating. She slapped her cheeks lightly, wanting to regain her composure before going back on stage.


She had finally finished. She had changed and was leaving by the service door. For once, she hadn't covered her head and was walking down the wide avenue, leaving the dark alley. She shook out her hair and breathed in the fresh air, relieved to finally be outside. She looked up at the sky, noticing the full moon that seemed to light up the whole city and made the dim lights of the club useless. She gave a slight chuckle, getting ready to go on her way.

-So it is true that a smile beautifies a person's face.

She stopped short, looking at him, surprised.

-Please don't make that face. I know you're hoping for me to disappear but, give me a chance. If you still don't like me, I'll let you go.

-Daisuke. she whispered weakly.

-I want to treat you like my queen and give you the best I can. I will make a lady of you.

She looked at him, dropping her arms as she stared at him. She didn't know what to say as he approached her, holding out his hand. She looked at him with lack of conviction.

-Daisuke, I don't know. she said, taking a step back.

-I beg you. At least tonight, let you have an idea of what I would like to offer you.

She sighed briefly, looking at him before putting her hand in his with hesitation. She still didn't know whether to trust his words or not. As for him, he smiled gracefully, bringing her hand to his lips to place on the back of it a soft kiss.
He nodded to her reassuringly, taking her to his car and opening the passenger door for her. She settled down, rather dumbfounded, the head lowered by wondering in which situation she had embarked again. She could hear him settling down beside her, putting on his seatbelt and starting the car, ready to go. Her heart was starting to race, wondering if she had done the right thing by getting in, if she should trust him.
Daisuke finally got on the road and drove away from the city center. She could see the lighted signs and streetlights flashing before her. She didn't dare to look at him or talk to him. She didn't want to give him his victory.

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