"So now what?"

"Well Foggy is coming over later to help us unpack. And I think he's bringing Karen? She's our first client, although he was kind of cryptic about it," she laughed, running her hands through her long brown hair. Nodding, Matt made his way back to the couch, slowly, and plopped down beside her.

"You know, we have to break in the new house right?" he looked to her with a mischievous smile. He could hear her heart begin to race with anticipation for what he may be implying. The couch cushions shifted slightly as she moved closer to him; her body heat radiating onto him.

"Are you suggesting what I'm thinking?" she purred, her lips grazing his clothed shoulder. Twisting in his seat, Matt gently grabbed her face and pulled her to him. Her soft lips crashing into his; she tasted of mint and strawberries, a combination he could never get tired of.

Moving to sit on top of him, she straddled his lap, grinding her clothed core against his harden cock. Thair breathing becoming heavy quickly as the kissing became more and more desperate; their hands clawing at each other's clothes, needing to be closer.

"Matt," she whined, his lips moving down her neck and nibbling on the sweet spot he knew drove her wild. Her heart began racing more as she grinded against him, needing- no wanting- him more than anything,

Reaching between them, she began to fumble with his belt; the metal within the buckle reverberating between the wooden walls. Succeeding in getting the buckle undone; she moved away from him and swiftly pulled his slacks down to his ankles. Pushing her skirt down, she straddled his lap once more, attacking his lips with a desperate kiss.

"Addi," he sighed, his cock now closer to her core. Taking that as her sign, she was quick to make do of his shirt buttons; undoing the first three before before he took matters into his own hands. Ripping the shirt in half, revealing his six pack.

His hands moved under her blouse, he palmed  her breast, her hardening nipple barely poking through her bra. Standing up, she moved her panties aside as he pushed his boxers aside just enough to let his cock out.

"Howdy bitches!" Foggy's loud voice echoed through the apartment, making his way down the short hallway and into the living room. Screaming, Adalynn was quick to grab her skirt off the floor and scurry to the bedroom, pushing the privacy screen shut. Shoving his dick back into his boxers, Matt tripped over his slacks and his cane, before laying on the floor and pulling them back up in a hurry.

"Foggy have you ever heard of knocking!?" Adalynn asked from the bedroom, embarrassment heavy in her tone. Rubbing the back of his neck, he made his way further into the apartment to help Matt up off the floor.

"Sorry Addi, Matt. I thought maybe you two would be sleeping or eating," he admitted, handing Matt back his cane. The screeching of the bedroom privacy screen told Matt that she was done getting dressed; reaching a hand out for her, she was quick to sink into his embrace.

"We're locking that from now on," she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. A laugh escaped Foggy's lips, his heart racing from the embarrassment of seeing Matt's dick; although he silently promised himself that he wouldn't tell him that.

"So where's Karen?" Adalynn quickly asked, trying her best to change the topic.

"Right here," a soft voice trembled. The smell of citrus and flowers and musk wafted to Matt's nose; part of him hating the stench, but a part of him finding it odd and intriguing.

"Matt, this is Karen. She's our first client as well as our secretary." Foggy introduced. Holding his hand out, he thought it was weird that no one took it.

"Oh, he's blind," Adalynn spoke up. A small gasp escaped Karen's lips as a delicate hand grasped onto his.  Small chatter broke out amongst the group, mainly it was Adalynn asking how Karen was doing.

"Why are you so, off about that?" Matt asked, hearing her heart pick up slightly.

"She's accused of murdering her coworker."


"What do you mean you want to learn law? Law is my thing," Adalynn giggled that night, the heavenly smell of spaghetti warming up the coldness of their new home. The odd smell of cardboard making the home seem small and stale. Just when he thought he was getting used to the layout of their new home, he would run into a stary box that Foggy or Karen had placed.

"I mean I want to help Foggy and you help Karen,"

"But you just met her today." her voice began to harden, the sound of pasta being stirred within the large pot becoming more and more quick.

"Listen, sweetheart," he cooed,  wrapping his arms around her waist. "I don't want to just help Karen; yes her case was interesting, and it seems so cut and dry. But because of that, I want to learn more. Can you teach me?"

Adalynn sighed as she dropped the wooden spoon into the pot of noodles and sauce; wrapping her hands around his arms, he began to pepper kisses up and down her neck.

After a few moments of silence, the smalls head movement was made before her verbal confirmation. "Alright fine, I'll teach you law. But it took me three years of throwing away money, crying, and hundreds of energy drinks and coffee to become a lawyer." she pointed out.

"Trust me, I'm a quick learner!" he reassured.

"Not from what I've seen. Running into all these damn boxes," she teased, leaning back and planting a gentle kiss to his cheek. Tightening his grip, Matt picked her up and spun her around; her laughter and yelps of joy echoing throughout the room, warm his heart.

Her happy cries reminding him strongly of the terrified cries of the women from last night; the stench of fish guts and burned skin, the electrifying sound of a taser. He was quick to to take down the four guys, the fifth one going easy into the river.

"Matt!" Adalynn's squeals of joy brought him back to reality; placing her on the counter, he pulled her to the edge and gripped her thighs.

"You are the woman of my dreams, Adalynn Wren," he whispered, his grip tightening as he moved further up her legs.

"Shut up and kiss me," she whispered, her breathing becoming heavier. Tangling her hands in his soft brown locks, she pulled him to her and he kissed  her with fever. Pushing her skirt up, he slowly brushed his fingers across her clothed core. A whimper escaping her lips as she bucked her hips closer to his hand.

"Eager?" he teased, putting more pressure against the thin cloth that separated him from pleasing her.

"Matthew Murdock if you don't stop teasing me and just get to fucking me, our dinner will get cold soon. So hurry," she scolded. Smirking, Matt nodded slightly and kissed her passionately once more.

"Maybe we should eat first?" he whispered, a smirk playing on his lips as they hovered above hers. A groan left her lips as she attempted to push him away; pushing on a bruise on his chest, a pained groan left his lips.

"Matt?" she questioned, looking to him quizzically. Although she knew he couldn't tell, she was asking so many questions with just the one look she was giving him.

"It's nothing, my love. It's probably a bruise I got from Foggy after he practically dropped that large box with all the pots and pans onto me," he dismissed, waving her concerns out of the air as if it was a pesky fly.

Adalynn hummed in dissatisfaction, her head dropping down slightly before she slide off the counter. Moving past him, she simply piled on the noodles and sauce onto to plates and made the short walk to the table.

"Coming? After dinner I'll start teaching you law," she tried her best to sound cheerful, although his dismissal hurt her more than she had thought. Turning her back to him, she ignored his footsteps as they neared her side, and tried her best to ignore him as his hand lightly moved up her back and into her hair.

"Look at me, my love," he demanded. Humming again in disinterest, Matt hummed in response as he grabbed a handful of her hair.

"I said look at me," pulling her head back just enough, he leaned down and planted a soft kiss to her plump lips. "I love you more than life itself, Adalynn Wren,"

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