12|Thank you, Y/n...

Start from the beginning

"Eh, Eternal sounds nice, don't you think," you thought to yourself, convincing yourself you could finally rest now that everyone was ok.

"What about Y/n" you heard.

"Me!?" you thought, bringing you back to reality. On that note, you listened to that exact sentence.

"She could flatline any minute."

"Ehhhhhh, it's like he wants me to flatline," you thought. "Some doctor"

You could tell the conversation was over, and you heard footsteps coming your way. The door opened.

"O SHIT," you panicked in your mind.

"I know your awake in that head of yours, as I made sure of that," the doctor said.

"Of course, the doctor walking around saying I could 'flatline at any minute' did this to me, so a medically induced coma, huh? How creative of you, doctor," you thought.

"So when will you flatline y/n?" the doctor asked, knowing you couldn't answer.

"Well, isn't this nice," the doctor said, and you thought.

"I get payback to your parents and for my daughter while making it, so there's no heir to the Sato tycoon. AND WHAT'LL BE BETTER? This will all seem natural, like I couldn't save you, y/n. So thank you. But before I leave, let me introduce myself, Doctor Hatoru Jin," the doctor said as he walked out.


"Well, what the hell," you thought to yourself.

"I don't think ill be resting anytime soon..."

End of POV~

---------------------Next day-----------------------

Hina POV~

Emma and I were doing some shopping. But not for ourselves, for y/n.

"Emma, what could we even buy? We don't have much money, you know," I asked.

"Yea, I know," Emma said, sounding sad. So we continued walking until we passed a flower shop that caught my eye. But not the shop itself, the flowers I saw inside.

"OOOOOO, I know what we can buy," I said excitedly.

Emma looked at me, wanting to know. I didn't say anything but instead pointed at the flower shop.

"Flowers?" Emma asked.

"Her favorite flowers," I said, filling in the blanks for her.


"What's her favorite flowers, though," Emma asked.

"I don't know what they're called, But I do know what they look like," I said to Emma.

"Alright, let us go in then," Emma said as I followed.

Emma and I walked into the shop. We saw many different types of flowers.

"Well, what do they look like, Hina," Emma asked.

"Umm, it's a yellow flower; that's quite beautiful," I said, trying to remember.

"The flower gave off a somewhat fruity scent, like strawberries," I told her.

"So do you expect us to smell every flower till we find the one that smells like strawberries," Emma said, demotivated.

"I-" I was cut off.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but I believe the flower you're talking about is a Freesia Flower," The shop owner said.

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