04|Hello Again

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A boy walked up to you while talking with Mikey and Draken. He seemed to know you. It felt as if you knew him, too. A possibility crosses your mind- or rather, a name.

"Hey, your...."

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"Taka, right,"

He looked at you and smiled. 

"I'm glad you remember Y/n," he said.

"You know Y/n, Mitsuya?" Mikey asked.

"Yup, I do," Mitsuya spoke in his usual tone, smiling.

You could see that both Draken and Mikey were confused. Mitsuya could tell as well.

"Y/n helped me with my sisters, Mana and Luna," Mitsuya said.

"Mhm, that's how I met Taka," you added.

"Taka...?" Mikey said in a low tone.


You were sitting at a playground. No one was around, so it was an excellent place to go and think.

It was a lovely day; the sun was already setting, and you were worried about starting school soon. You sat on the swing for an hour on your phone, listening to music, thinking, and admiring the sunset.

Then suddenly you heard two voices. It sounded like two little girls.

Anxiousness filled your mind.

You got up from the swing to find where the voices came from.

You found two little girls wandering the streets alone. There was one short girl with two buns in her hair. Her hair was blond; as for her sister, it was a diluted shade of brown. The taller girl had two pigtails and was taller than her sister.

"They look like sisters," you thought to yourself.

"Can you help us?" the taller girl asked you with a shakey voice

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"Can you help us?" the taller girl asked you with a shakey voice.

So, of course, you helped them.

"What's wrong," you asked, bending down to their eye level.

"We can't find our big brother," the small one said.

"Can I know your names?" you requested.

The taller one said her name was Luna, and her sister was Mana.

You tried to calm Mana down since you couldn't stand to see nor hear her cry. You then took both of the girl's hands, one on each side, and started walking.

"You're looking for your brother, right?" you told the girls.

They both turned their gazes up to yours and nodded.

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