09|Bitch Fight

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You stood under a tress as the rain poured. You could feel the rain seeping into your clothes by the minute. 

Good that you brought some other clothes, right?

As you bent down to take your clothes out of your bag, you checked to ensure the coast was clear. You quickly changed out of your kimono when you couldn't see anyone. 

Now you wore a black tank top you wore under your kimono. It was slightly damp, but that was fine. You changed into a pair of sweatpants and changed your shoes into the slides you packed. The outfit you wore was thin and was soon to be soaked from the rain. But it would suffice for now. 

As you stuffed your soiled clothes into your bag, you stood up and looked at your surroundings, wondering what Mikey had to leave for. 

What was dangerous? Could it be another gang? Maybe there was a fight about to go down?

As the questions raced through your mind, you leaned on a tree behind you. It was then you heard a voice. A familiar voice. 

"Hey, Y/n," you heard a voice say behind you.

You looked behind you to see a girl. And you couldn't believe who it was. But you had to admit; it's not weird that she would show up now. 

"Hm," you hummed, looking at her with a neutral expression.

"Can't you act a little surprised to see me?" Aoi asked as she crossed her arms, looking at you with disgust. 

"Eh, it's not a surprise," you muttered as you shrugged. 

"Well, I see you're alone," She said, smiling at you.

"What about it?" you asked.

"Did MIkey leave you," Aoi asked, mocking you, "I would figure,"

"He had things to do," you said, smiling.

"I bet he didn't want to deal with your weak personality," She smirked.

"Ah, maybe," you spoke up, laughing. "But, I bet Mikey doesn't even know who you are,"


"Well, Aoi, you are done with this little bickering of yours?" you asked while you stepped closer in her direction.

You could feel the raindrops hitting your skin as you stepped from under the tree. It felt nice; refreshing. You stared up at the sky. You were watching the stars and basking in the moonlight. 

As Aoi began to speak, you looked at her. Your face shows a hint of annoyance. 

"I'll kill you..." she mumbled.

"Pardon?" you asked, genuinely, with a slight smirk.

"I'll kill you!!" she yelled.

"Is that so?" you said, changing your gaze to the sky. 

You noticed movement in front of you. It was Aoi. There was an angry expression painted on her face—pure hatred. 

Aoi then ran at you, throwing aimless punches and getting madder each time you dodged.

As you continued to dodge, she kicked you in the stomach. It caused you to stumble back and take a knee. 

"Damn it, Aoi," you cursed as you held where she kicked you. 

Aoi looked down at you. She seemed to take joy in your pain. She began to get nearer. Your gaze stood stuck to the floor, trying to ignore the aching in your stomach. 

"Are you just gonna let hit you like Tachibana?" she laughed.

She continued to walk closer to you.

"Awe, look at the pathetic Y/n," She said as she lifted your head by your hair, "You're not as great as you think, huh?"

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