and then they got married

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Surprisingly, they did come back the day after. And the day after that. And the day after the day after that.

Least to say, Tommy didn't expect it. Usually, when people come to 'visit' and promise to come back, they keep it up for two days before getting bored, but Wilbur and Techno come almost every day. Sometimes it's only Wilbur and he brings his guitar, playing him something- sometimes even singing- while he's sitting against the tower wall.

Sometimes it's only Techno, and they just eat in comfortable silence, or make short conversation about random topics. He was surprised when Techno first came alone,since he seemed more like the type to use Wilbur as a shield to avoid social interaction, but he found himself enjoying their small talks.

It's even better when they both come though, and eat together, and laugh together, he feels, he feels loved. He feels like everyone hasn't forgotten about him.

It's nice, really.

Of course it has to get ruined.

He's laughing at one of Wilbur's jokes when it happens. They had both come today, and they're seated in front of the tower like usual. Wilbur doesn't have his knight armor, he's stopped wearing it long ago, though Techno still wears it, 'for security', he says. It's a good day, the sun shines in a nice, warm way, and there's a slight breeze.

Tommy should've known it was too good to be true.

Every good thing must come to an end eventually.


He jumps, his whole body tensing at the voice. He sees Techno get up and reach for his sword, and closes his eyes for a single second, allowing himself to believe that this isn't real.

He was so careful, too.

Dream had already visited yesterday. He never visits two days in a row, usually.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Tommy?" He hears Dream say, and the worst part of it is that he doesn't even sound mad. Just cold.

It gives him goosebumps. His breathing quickens.

A hand closes on his right shoulder, and his eyes shoot open in panic. Thankfully, it's just Wilbur, who's looking at him worriedly. He blinks a few times.

"I have- I have to go," He stutters nervously. Dream will kill him. He'll kill Henry. He can't take any risks.

There's a second of silence, before-

"Are you okay?"

No he isn't fucking okay. Dream's gonna be so mad.

He is so fucked.


"E-excuse me?"

The goat hybrid's right ear twitches at that.

Ranboo waits a few seconds for a reaction.

He gets none.


He thinks he hears a snicker at that, but still, no reaction.

Ranboo's starting to feel incredibly uncomfortable.


Another twitch, and the boy bursts out laughing.

Ranboo doesn't understand. What's so funny? He feels slightly defensive.

Finally, the shorter (he usually doesn't need to precise that, since almost everyone is shorter than him, but this one doesn't reach his shoulder, and he isn't even in enderman form) boy turns around, and Ranboo's eyes widen.

Half of his face is covered in burn scars, the skin burnt to a crisp, stretching all the way up to his forehead.

"Hello," He greets him.

Ranboo blinks a few times in shock

"Uhm… hi?" He finally says back.

"Do you need something?" He asks, examining him very carefully.

The enderman hybrid straightens up, furrowing his eyebrows in determination.

For Tommy.

"Yes, actually, I heard you were the best engineer in town and I was wondering if you could-"

"Who? Who said that?" The boy exclaims, standing up suddenly, hands on his desk. Excitement dances in his eyes.

"Uhm…some man called…Foolish, I think?" He opens his memory book to check. "Yeah, that's right, a totem hybrid called Foolish."

The goat hybrid grins. "Aww that's so nice of him."

"He also said you were the only engineer."


Well, that's a strange person.

"So, uhm, my friend disappeared, and I heard engineers make compasses that can tell where someone is? So I was wondering if you could-"

The boy cuts him off. "Say no more."

He searches in a drawer for a bit before pulling out big goggles with yellow lenses.

"What's your friend's name?" He asks as he installs the goggles over his eyes.

So it's the time, he's finally going to get a lead on weird Tommy has gone? That easily? He can't help but be excited, it's been a few months since he's seen the teenager.

His eyes soften, and he says:


The boy freezes. "..Tommy, you say?" His voice shakes slightly.

"Yeah, he's my best friend." Ranboo frowns. "Is there something wrong?"

The goat hybrid shook his head slightly. "No, no, I was just reminded of-of an old friend. What about you, what's your name?"

"I'm Ranboo," He answers.


He extends a hand, Ranboo taking and shaking it. It looks small in his.

"Then, let's get to work, Ranboo," The boy grins dangerously, mischief dancing in his eyes.

Oh god.

What has he gotten himself into?

The World's Not Perfect But It's Not That Bad (If We Got Each Other)Where stories live. Discover now