the title didn't fit :(

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The next day, Tommy wakes up extra early. Now, you must be thinking 'Did Tommy fucking lose his fucking mind? Who would voluntarily fucking wake up that early in the fucking morning?' (maybe with less swear words), but that decision was entirely beyond him! He didn't choose to wake up early.

Okay, maybe it is a little bit his fault, sleeping on the floor like a raccoon (ha). His subconcious absolutely did not make him wake up early because he hoped Wilbur would come back. Him? Feelings? Never. His heart is made out of bedrock, impossible to go through and shit.

Leaving the methaphors and going back to Tommy waking up.

Naturally, as he blinks his eyes open, he feels like shit. He's exhausted but can't bring himself to go back to sleep because of the excitement swarming in his stomach, forcing him to stay awake.

He can't help the hope in his stomach, even though Wilbur showed absolutely no sign the day before that he was coming back, except maybe him missing Tommy, but that is natural, everyone misses TommyInnit.

He hates and loves that part of humanity, the one that always holds a drop of hope, that, even beaten down on the ground, with both legs broken in a house on fire, makes them believe that still, somehow, they'll be saved.

It had saved him many times, that little drop, giving him the energy to keep going. Still, he had seen many families that had died because of the irationnal determination that Yes, they could save their baby left in the house on fire, no they won't die.

Enough with the depressing shit. He has a mugging to commit.

His limbs ache as he stretches, trying to get rid of the sleepiness left in him. Fortunately, Tommy absolutely doesn't mind the pain because he is just that great and suddenly sits up, because it's the best way for him to shake the sleepiness away. He doesn't wince. Nope. Pog through the pain. Not that he's in pain. Pain can't hurt him without his consent for he is just that great.

He's just glad he didn't have a nightmare this time around, and that he remembered to hide his hybrid features before sleeping. Waking up would've been much more painful if he hadn't.

Looking around, he's happy to note that Henry's still asleep. He almost coos at him. Good for him. He deserves all the happiness in the world, and more.

Eventually, he gets up, and vaguely realizes that he slept in his outside clothes, his pyjamas still folded neatly on his bed.

Ah yeah, he had almost forgotten about Dream's little visit. Let's ignore the terrified part of him and focus on how much Dream's a bitch.

"Mehmehmehmehmeh, no Tommy you're not allowed to go out except for food, no Tommy I'll kill Henry, mehmehmehmeh are you hiding something Tommy?" He mocks in a high pitched voice. "What a bitch."

That also reminds him that he's hungry, and currently doesn't have any food. Each visit Dream takes from him anything Tommy manages to make so he can't store up anything which sucks by the way. He should go hunting later on.

At least his captor isn't fucking Badboyhalo who wouldn't allow him to swear and swearing basically takes up seventy percent of Tommy's unique personnality so there's that.

Getting up takes more effort than it should (he feels fucking old), and a few moments later Tommy's looking out the window. He slightly deflates when he doesn't see anyone there. Not that he's expecting Wilbur haha no absolutely not.

Stage one : Denial whispers a voice (sounding suspiciously like Wilbur yesterday) in the back of his mind.

He crosses his arms, letting the wind go through his blond strands as he waits, eyes searching for a tuft of chocolate brown hair or the glint of a sword gleaming in the sunlight.

The World's Not Perfect But It's Not That Bad (If We Got Each Other)Where stories live. Discover now