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I opened my eyes feeling like last night didn't even happen. But the blanket from moms room, my still slightly damp hair and the fact that it's already noon proves it was.

On my clock there was a little note from mom I called the club and told them you couldn't come in today. You need rest. I love you Sunshine.

I put my glasses on and slowly made my way to the kitchen. I heard the voices of Belly, mom, and Laurel grows as I made my way down the stairs.

"Good morning sleepy head," Belly laughed when I finally made my way to the kitchen.

I yawned and shook my head, "this is like one of the first times I've slept in. At least I'm not Con. He slept till two the first three weeks we were here."

"And the poor girl is going through it," Laurel added.

Belly sat on one of the stools and swung her legs, "I'm sorry, Melia, but I don't see how someone being in love with you is going through it."

I started to speak but mom spoke for me, "Bells, you know she doesn't mean it like that."

"I'm just saying, she should be happy the guy she likes...well loves her," Belly defended. "If she doesn't love him back she should tell him."

Well, at least I haven't been in love with the same person since I was ten. At least I don't flirt with three people at once, two being brothers. "Um... says the girl who lead Cory on for a month and ditched him. Cameron actively knows about how scared I was to get into a relationship."

"At least he's still Cameron," mom said with a bright smile.

I looked at her confused, "What? What does that mean? It's his name?"

She kissed the top of my head, "When you met him...he was Cam Cameron like your brothers called him. Then you started crushing and he turned into Cam. But when you fell for that boy you started calling him Cameron."

She's right... I still call him Cam Cameron as a joke (when I'm trying to flirt because he's so romantic I need to step it up) I mean I call him Cam sometimes. Okay, this has me rethinking everything I've ever done. Thanks, mom.

"Hey honey, your phones ringing," Laurel said, handing me my phone.

Cleveland Castillo

" might be for you," I laughed.

She shook her head, "Answer your damn phone, Emilia."

"Hello?" I asked, holding back my laughter.

I heard the waves crashing behind him, "Emilia...hey. How fast can you get to the Dock?"

I stood up, grabbed my keys, and ran out the door mouthing Conrad to mom before getting in my car.

When I got to the dock, I saw Conrad and Cleveland sitting on the edge with their feet in the water.

"Hey," I whispered, taking my shoes off and sitting next to Conrad.

He smiled, "You're late, I'm all fine now."

I shoved him in the arm, "well next time you have a panic attack the day after I have a breakdown you're gonna have to give me at least an hour's notice."

"Oh my bad," he laughed. "You better be nice, I'll shove you in the water and get your white shirt all dirty."

I rolled my eyes, "I mean if you wanna give the whole marina a free show of your sister's my guest."

He kicked water up on my legs, "you're insane."

Cleveland looked between us, "I'm sorry...what is happening? I thought you wanted me to call Emilia so you could talk to her."

He smiled and pushed me back by my face, "no... you helped me through it. I just wanted you to call her because she will be extra nice to me now even if I pick on her."

"Oh, so that's how it is?"

He laughed, "Mhm. And mom would yell at you if you were mean."

I shook my head, "You're not about to use a panic attack as a shield to pick on me. Hate to break it to you but mom is pretty team Emilia right now all things considered."

"You two are so confusing," Cleveland whispered.

I thought for a moment, weighing the consequences of what would happen if I pushed him into the ocean. Not too much could go wrong...right?


"What the fuck, Emilia?!" Conrad yelled, reaching up to try to pull me into the water.

"White shirt!" I yelled, knowing it would stop him.

The entire ride home he just looked at me with an evil smile. I knew he had something on his mind, but I also knew there wasn't much I could do.

When we got in the driveway, I tried to run into the house knowing if I could attach myself to one of the moms, Jeremiah, or even Steven he couldn't do whatever he had planned. (I love Belly, but if Conrad told her to let go she'd do it).

I wasn't that fast.

He wrapped his arms around me and ran me around back to the pool. I wrapped my arms and legs around his chest.

"I'm already wet I don't care if I have to go in again," he laughed, jumping us both into the pool.

We came up laughing and splashing at each other.

"What are you two doing?" Steven asked, running out of the house.

We looked at each other and laughed, speaking through glances that only we understood.

"Yep, that's what I thought," Steven whispered before forming a megaphone with his hands, "the twins had officially lost it!" He yelled.

"Yup," I laughed as Conrad wrapped his arms around me.

He looked at us confused, "now you're hugging?"

Conrad nodded and kissed the top of my head, "Yeah because, unlike you and Belly, we don't hold grudges over each other."

I never expect anyone to look at Conrad and me and think our relationship makes sense. Because it doesn't, it doesn't even make sense to us. But when you've been through as much as we have and shared as many secrets and feelings as we're relationship isn't going to make sense.

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