Boys and Calls

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"You have a good day, sweetie. And you come back and get me if those girls keep picking on you," I told a young boy as he walked away with his ice cream.

"What if girls keep picking on me?" A voice asked. I turned around to see Cam from the fire.

I raised an eyebrow, "What? Girls are picking on you?" I laughed.

He sat down on the stool outside the ice shack, "No... no. But if they do I mean I know who to tell," he laughed.

What is he doing? Why is he flirting with me? Maybe I'm just being too cocky. Guys can be nice to you and not be flirting... right?

I shook my head, "Yeah. Sure. Can I get you something?"

"A grape slush, please," he said with a smile.

I turned up my nose at the thought of pouring the thick purple liquid that smelled and tasted like cough syrup.

He looked at me confused, "What's that face for?"

I laughed, "At your cough syrup flavored ice."

"What does that even mean?" He asked, clearly acting more offended than he was.

I shrugged, "I'm just saying.... I'll still make it for you."

"Make me your favorite," he said with a smile.

I smirked and went to the back, pouring blue raspberry syrup on the ice and adding tiger's blood around the edge. I finished it off with gummy sharks and a spoon and sat it in front of him, "Ta da!"

He looked down at it and raised an eyebrow, "And this is?"

"Shark attack combo. It's from the Emilia secret menu."

"You know sharks rarely attack people, right?" He asked.

I smiled, "Yeah, I know but it's a cool name and it tastes good."

He took a bite, "Okay, fine. You win, it's better than the grape," he laughed. "So... Belly, she's a deb right?"


He was silent for a moment, "Are you?"

I shook my head, "No, I was last year. My mom is making me be a big sister this year," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Do big sisters have a an escort too?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't think so."

He thought for a moment, "Well um... I... if you did do"


He looked down and shook his head, "Um... yeah."

"Emmy," Jere, said, running up to the stand. "Oh hey, Cam Cameron. Emmy, I need water then you need to go get dressed."

I grabbed his water and ran up to the club to get changed and ready for the first tea with the debs.

* * *

I changed into Jere's Boston hoodie and flopped down on my bed to call Brie.

"Dude," I said, the second she answered the phone. "There is this boy at the club who won't stop flirting with me."

"The same person you met at that fire before it went to hell?" She asked.

I curled up into my bed, "Yeah. I don't know what to do."

She was silent for a moment, "Well you never answered my question from last night. Is he cute?"

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "I don't know," I whispered.

"Oh he is totally cute," she laughed. "Is he gonna be the one you let show you not every guy is Easton?"


She took a deep breath, "No, because if you don't try then you won't fail. I know, I know."

What would it even be like in a world with the perfect romace? That kind of thing only happens in books and in the movies. That kind of love is the thing you dream of when you are little or come up with in your head to fall asleep at night. Not something that you get in real life.

"E," Brie whispered. "Get out of your brain."

I rolled my eyes, "You've gotta stop doing that."

"Doing what? I'm a sweet little angel," she said in an innocent voice.

"Reading my mind and all that stupid shit."

She laughed, "Sorry, but someone has to keep you in check. How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, "I'm tired and hurt but that's nothing new. How are you? I miss you."

"Things are pretty normal here in Boston," she laughed.

"That's not what I asked, I asked how you were."

She thought for a moment, "I'm good. I miss you too, and your brothers. I can't wait until the fourth."

I smiled at the thought of her getting to come visit the summer house and having a friend while Belly was off being boy crazy and brothers were fighting over who got to be her boy. It would be nice to just have something normal this summer.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes, "Yeah... I just can't wait until you come."

"And I get to meet your mystery boy," she sung. "At least tell me his name."

I hid my face in my pillow, "I don't have a mystery boy."

She let out a sigh, "Then what is the name of that boy who keeps flirting with you. If you don't tell me I will just get it out of Connie or Jere."

"Cameron. His name is Cameron. Are you happy now?"

"Yes," she whispered. "Has he called you while you've been there?"

I glanced at the thirty missed calls and fifty something missed texts from Easton.

You are being dramatic call me
I dont see youre problem
Stop making up shit about me
What the fuck did you tell your brothers and why did they call me
Answer your fucking phone
Come on baby Im sorry

"Em... talk to me," she said, as I closed my phone to avoid the rabbit hole of texts from him.

"Yeah," I whispered. "He's been in touch."

She scoffed, "I'm going to kill him. Do your brothers know? Or at least your mom?"

I didn't answer which was clearly enough of an answer for her. "Okay," she whispered. "At least Belly? So someone you are actually with knows what is going on."

"Maybe," I whispered. "Hey, It's been a long day with work and the tea party and then last night with the fire and the migraine..."

"Get some sleep," she laughed. "But we aren't done talking about this."

I plugged my phone in and smiled, "Goodnight. I loce you infinity."

"Goodnight, I loce you infinity," she said.

Right as I laid my head down my phone started ringing again.

Incoming call: Easton Perry

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