Her face clouded as the memory of what they had gone through in his hands came flooding back, and Damien could see the tears pooling at the back of her eyes.

This was something she would never forget and his chest tightened.

"Mother, listen to me, okay?" Damien cooed, patting her hand lightly as he tried to get her to calm down, "The tables have turned, Mom."

She frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You don't have to fear anything. The Mr Connor you know from the past, is no more."

"Huh? What do you mean? Is he dead?" She asked and proceeding to explain Damien said, "No he is not. What I mean is that, they are no longer powerful or influential as they used to be. They are practically in ruins."

His mother's eyes widened in shock, "W-what? Are you certain? How? I don't understand son."

Damien smiled, "Well let's say there was a drop in his empire, causing Mr Connor to lose everything he ever owned. It was so terrible that he had even to sell off his land and the mansion. You won't believe it mother but tables have turned, and now they are as poor as church mice."

His mother gaped at him in amazement, "Wow. I never would've believed it. It's funny how things could change in the blink of an eye. How the mighty have fallen." She murmured, shaking her head, "I should imagine that this is karma at its finest."

Damien couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped his lips, "I shouldn't be laughing as this isn't funny, but then I guess so."

He then went ahead to tell her more about Madison.

She placed a hand on her forehead when he told her that Madison had been disowned by her family, probably due to the pregnancy, and pity flooded the old woman's eyes

"Oh, that poor child." His mother muttered, shaking her head sadly, turning to face him as she continued, "I can't imagine the hardship she must have gone through. Son, I know there's a lot of anger and pain in your heart, and you have every right to feel that way. But please... take it easy when it comes to Madison. The poor girl has been living in drudgery, and so much poverty. You should know what that's like right, just go easy on her please."

Damien swallowed and nodded, gulping down a huge lump that seemed to have formed in his throat.

His mother squeezed his hand reassuringly and then after a brief moment of silence, she switched the topic.

She asked him about Alvarez, asking when he would visit and if he had forgotten her. Damien remembered that Alvarez had said the same thing once and then he began to laugh, informing his mother of the convo. His mother narrowed her eyes at him, and waving off his laughter, they began to talk about other things too.

As his mother explained the new painting she had gotten at some art exhibition to him, the sound of his stomach growling filled the room and Damien excused himself, smiling sheepishly as his mother tapped his hand.

"Oh dear, you must be hungry. We have been so busy discussing, that I forgot you haven't had anything to eat. You came here to have dinner and not all this." She chastened herself, and quickly pulling him to his feet, she pointed down to the hallway, "Why you don't go shower in one of the spare rooms, and then come back for dinner."

Damien smiled sheepishly, as he asked, "Shower? I'd only shower if I'm going to spend the night here." Pausing he added again, "Are you asking me to sleep over, mom?"

She laughed heartily, "Hmmmn... Now that you mentioned it, that's not a bad idea." She shrugged, "You can sleep over just this once. We could have a movie night too. Just mother and son, I even made popcorn."

Damien cocked an eyebrow, "Ahh, I see you have already prepared in advance. I know your ways mother."

"I was hoping you would say yes." She smiled, no longer denying the fact that she'd actually planned this, and pushing him to the hallway she then headed to the kitchen."

Damien pretended to think out loud, "Well, depending on how good dinner is, I'll think about your movie night offer."

His mother grinned lightly, "Are you doubting my cooking skills? It's better than all those junks you have at those expensive restaurants I've warned you to stop frequenting."

"Mother..." Damien called out mockingly and she chimed in, "Well my food is always delicious so be rest assured that you'll enjoy yourself. I made all your favorites."

Smiling, Damien walked to where she was standing in the kitchen, and towering behind he bent down and kissed her lightly on the cheek before leaving and heading down the hallway.

He felt so much more at home here than at his mansion, and truth be told, he was actually looking forward to spending the night here with his mother and sister.

Soon Layla would be back, and they would have some good family time just like before.

It felt so nice, bringing him tranquility and peace.


Madison huffed in exhaustion as she finally got to the street where her house was located.

She and a few of her friends from the bakery had discovered an easier, faster shortcut to lead them home, and Madison was grateful for it.

They had parted a few seconds ago and Madison couldn't wait to get home. She was extremely tired as work had been hectic today.

What she needed now was a cold shower and a good night's rest. She hoped she would be able to rest properly tonight as her bones ached terribly, from working too much. If only she could get some hot water this time, it would help with her aching bones.

Maybe she would manage to boil some water with her gas cooker.

Sighing, she exhaled in relief when she remembered she still had some leftover food from yesterday, and it was one trouble down. She couldn't imagine cooking right now with how tired she felt.

Finally she got to her front door. As she inserted her key into the lock, her phone pinged in her coat and putting down her big bag, she brought her phone out using her free hand. She tapped on the notification when she saw that it was a text from Alvarez.

She hadn't spoken to him for a while, and after the way she had acted the last time they spoke, she didn't expect him to call or text her. A sudden rush of guilt flowed through her but she tried to shake it off, and sniffing a bit she read through the text slowly.

It was a message telling her that Damien's flight to London had been delayed.

She didn't have time to ponder on this development because as soon as Damien's name flashed through her screen, the memory of the nightmare she had some days back came flooding back to her and a chill ran down her spine, goosebumps accompanying it, the cool bumps forming on her arms.

She remembered everything, and the dream was so real she shuddered recalling it all.

She could still remember the look on the strange lady's face as she dragged the baby from her, the sound of the baby's cries, and worse of all the despair that filled her heart when the child slipped through her fingers.

Madison broke into a sweat, her fingers clutching her keys as she shakily tried to unlock her door.

She didn't understand why seeing Damien's name had triggered the memory, and she didn't like this feeling one bit.

Quickly she turned around, suddenly feeling unsafe and looking around the small neighborhood she saw that no one was nearby, and everywhere was eerily dusky and empty.

Hurriedly, Madison unlocked her door and rushed in.

Making sure the door was secured behind her, she dismissed her fears and dropping her bag she collapsed on her bed tiredly.


Thanks for reading. 💕

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