Chapter 11 - Granted

Start from the beginning


'Peter said he thinks you're fine to cleanse and dress' she said as she got inside the room with her hand full of fresh clean clothes. I didn't say a word as I watched her arrange them in my wardrobe. I usually never let anyone do my chores except my mother and there she was arranging my clothes, doing her wife duties and I couldn't help but smile.

She looked back at me and said 'Did you hear me?'
'Yeah-yeah' I immediately responded trying to get up and sit, I struggled. She immediately offered help as she held me and made me sit. ''Then why don't you reply?' she raised her eyebrows. I couldn't stop smiling. 'Why are you smiling?' she questioned.
'Nothing' I said as I cleared my throat. 'I'm sorry, what were you saying?' I pardoned myself.
'Peter won't be coming anymore, I'll talk to Dr. Drevis and get someone else for you' she said.

'No that's fine, there's no need to trouble anyone, I'm better now' I replied. She glanced at me and nodded her head. 'You need someone to help you, you can't do it yourself' She said.
'Why don't you help me?' I asked her hesitantly and she stopped by the door.
'Can you?' I asked as she turned around and looked at me with a blank face.
'Only if you don't have any problem' I added as I didn't want her to think I was forcing. 'No' she said and walked out refusing my request.

'What was I thinking?" I scuffed.

I tried getting out of bed but almost immediately lost balance. She held me by my shoulders 'You shouldn't be doing this' she said. 'I just wanted to get cleansed and dressed' I apologized.

After staying still for some time she sat in front of me in the bed. She looked into my eyes for a while and I started to get lost in hers. She broke eye contact as her eyes slid down to my shirt and started unbuttoning it slowly. My gaze was stuck as I couldn't take my eyes off her. I looked at her closely. Her face shone as sunlight that slipped through the curtains fell on her face.
She brought herself a little closer to me looking into my eyes, gently leaning on me as she removed my shirt from my shoulders, I felt her cold as-ice fingers slide down my shoulders as she removed my shirt, making it a ball and keeping it aside. She looked at my body, looking at all those healing scars. Her head slightly dropped downward, her lips pressed together like my scars were hers. She gazed back at me for a brief moment before dipping a white piece of cloth in a container full of water. She kept it on her arm before touching me with it. Bringing herself a little closer to me, she gently wiped my shoulder with it, it was warm and comforting. Just like her.
'Does it hurt?' she asked as her forehead wrinkled like my bruises hurt her. I nodded my head and smiled assuring her that it didn't hurt.

I watched her as the wet cloth traveled from my shoulder to my chest, and further below to my stomach. I felt stings on my cut as it was yet to be healed completely. It was strange that the stings felt comforting for the very first time. After another dip, she held my forearm making it straight, and slid the wet warm cloth down my arm. I quietly watched her take the best care of me. She asked if she should apply the gel to my body as well and I nodded. She got the gel on her palm and rubbed her hands against each other before applying it to my body. A cold shiver ran up my spine as her hands touched my bare skin. She gently ran her fingers on my chest applying the gel. She did not make eye contact as she did that.

We drew closer to each other without realizing it. Just when she was done and took her hand away, I grabbed her hand. I caught myself leaning towards her keeping her hand back on my chest. She made eye contact and it felt like she stared into my soul. My heart pounded and I'm sure she felt it as her hand rested right on my heart. I tucked her hair behind her ears as it continuously fell on her face. Her gaze stuck at me without a blink. I gently held her by her cheek and she closed her eyes and breathed heavily. We caught ourselves leaning closer toward each other. She was millimeters away from my face and I felt her breath on my lips. We were so close that I could smell the sweet fragrance of her melon-flavored lip balm. I held her face with my hand and closed my eyes that's when the phone that was placed next to me on the bed rang and interrupted our moment. We both automatically glanced toward the phone. 'Divorce lawyer calling' my screen flashed. We stared at my phone screen until it stopped ringing. I couldn't process it as I almost forgot about this. I forgot the fact that we were getting a divorce. We were splitting. It immediately rang again.

'You should get that' she said reaching out to it and placing it in my hand. I attended the call and put it out on the speaker.
'Hello Mr. Atif, I hope you're feeling better' The lawyer spoke from the other side of the phone. 'Hello, Mr. Farris. I'm doing well. How have you been doing?' I replied.
'All good here. Thanks for asking' he said.
'So this call is to inform you that your divorce has been processed....'
I looked at Aarzoo as she gazed at my phone. How I wanted to stop it from happening but I realized I was too late.

'You are legally divorced' he completed his sentence and my heart sank.

Aarzoo looked at me with nothing but disappointment in her eyes. 'There are a few more paper works that you and your ex-wife need to sign. When can we get that done?' he asked and I was left speechless. This call hurt more than the entire accident. 'You there Mr. Atif?' he asked again to assure I was there in line. 'Yes-yes, I'm following up' I stammered as I talked. 'Anytime is okay' I replied looking at her. 'How about tomorrow at your place? As you can't travel' he asked. 'Sure, thanks' I replied and disconnected the call.

What have I done?

'I'm sorry' I said holding her wrist as she got up to leave. 'Don't be sorry, this is what we wanted' she said leaving me completely astonished. She was okay with this? I thought to myself. She freed her wrist and started to clean up the space and I realized I was still shirtless. My phone beeped with a message. It was from Dr. Drevis.

'Btw, Aarzoo knows about Maheen' it said and I looked at Aarzoo out of astonishment. My eyes widened as I swallowed hard.
'You know about Maheen?' I asked as I couldn't hold back my curiosity and she paused. 'Why didn't you ask me about her?' I asked her as she was about to leave my room. She stopped and replied 'I was going to'
'But I don't think it matters anymore' she added as she shrugged with a half-hearted smile.
I did not expect her to know about Maheen unless I told her about it. I had no idea how she got to know about her but I stood in position to question her. 'I don't know what happened, why you lied to me, I really wanted to know but now suddenly I don't want to' She said.

'What difference is it going to make?' She asked and I was left with no answer.

'I can't believe you're not my wife anymore' I said as I lowered my head out of disappointment. 'I know' she laughed her pain away.

'Just do me a favor' She said. 'Don't let anyone from our families know that we divorced'

'I know; I know we have to. This is not something we can hide from our families but I would appreciate it if this stays between us until I'm ready to confront my parents' She expressed her concern.

It looked like it was me who gave her time to process the divorce but I actually gave myself the time to process it. I could not believe how ridiculous my life was. I knew for sure that I needed this divorce but things weren't the same after the accident. I knew she wanted to make this work, I knew it was not the same. I knew she cared for me. Why else would she take such good care of me? I thought we had a chance. How silly of me.

'I understand' I told her as I agreed.

'You need to exercise now' She said changing the topic. 'You need to get well soon' She added as she got me a new fresh shirt. I knew she would be gone once I get well and I didn't want that to happen. She handed me my support stick and helped me out to the living room, that's where I usually preferred to stretch as it's brighter and open.

'I'm going home to have a shower. Please finish your workout and drink this' she said and placed a glass of beetroot juice on the table. I nodded in agreement and smiled. She smiled back at me and left closing the door behind her.

Just when I started doing my stretchers I heard the doorbell ring. That's very strange I thought to myself as no one comes this time. I had no visitors to show up around this time and Aarzoo had access. I limped towards the door slowly but whoever was on the other side of the door just wouldn't stop ringing the bell. I reached the door as quickly as I could and opened it.

I was shocked at what I was looking at. The world around me swirled as I saw my parents standing outside the door with their luggage placed next to them. They did not just come here! I thought to myself. The news of my accident brought them here.

'Atif!' my mother exclaimed as she hugged me sobbing. 'Thank God you're okay! I'm never going to let you out of my sight now' she added gripping me tight.

Shit! We're doomed!

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