Eren nodded slightly. "And I treated her so shitty for it. It's a miracle she still even talks to me."

He let out a small sigh as he propped is arm up on the table. "The worst part is I was never mad at her. Just fucking frustrated with myself. I'm the one who should have been protecting her. All these years it could have been me."

"You have, more than you give yourself credit for," Armin said nudging him with his elbow.

"She's the reason you got that moronic idea to punch a titan, huh?"

Eren couldn't help but let out a laugh. It hadn't been his best idea true.

"I had to do something. I wasn't letting her die there." He paused again for a moment, wondering if he should even voice what was next in his mind.

He came this far though.

"I, uh, promised her that we'd always be together." There was that heat rising back up to his cheeks.

"Like it was ever going to be any different," Armin rolled his eyes at him, but a smile was on his lips. "Eren, maybe you should, you know, tell her all this. Not me."

"There's, ah, one more thing," Eren said.

Armin gestured for him to continue. His face was not about to cool down anytime soon. "Right before I...I stood up to punch that know the one who-"

"Eren, I know, out with it."

"Mikasa...I think she meant...I think she was going to...kiss me."

"Oh wow did she."

"You don't seem very surprised."

"I'm not."

Eren probably should have expected that.

"Maybe you should go finish the job," Armin said, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Right now? It's the middle of the night."

"And she's probably sleeping as much as you are. Trust me. You'll feel a lot better if you do."


"Go, Eren. And if I catch you lingering outside her door, I'll shove you in there myself."

"Fine," he grunted, pushing himself to his feet. He walked towards the door, but glanced back. "Hey, Armin?"


"Thank you."

Armin looked over his shoulder to grin at Eren. "Just go."

He pushed the door open to leave but before the door could shut he heard Armin shout, "It's about damn time, too!"

Eren walked the familiar path to the room Mikasa was staying in. He knew the way by heart by now, after the amount of times he had gone to make sure she was okay. His heart was pounding in his chest, his hands wouldn't stop fiddling around with his shirt, or his pockets, or each other. He didn't understand why he was acting this way, it was just Mikasa.

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