Stolen Moments

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"Mikasa Ackerman?"

Mikasa bolted up, quick as ever, curling her fist and banging it to her chest.

"Yes, sir?"

"Quick reflexes, I see," Commander Pixis nodded approvingly.

"Commander," Mikasa began breathlessly, "Is Eren alright? Could I see him?"

"Eren is awake now," Pixis informed her, "And he's asking for you-"

Before he could complete his sentence, the girl had all but disappeared, red scarf flashing behind her as she turned a corner.

"Eren!" Mikasa cried, bolting into his hospital room, "Eren, are you alright? Are you still injured? Are you hurting anywhere?"

Eren was sitting upright on his bed, and other than a catheter attached to his arm he didn't seem to have any visible injuries - being a Titan did come with its benefits - and his green eyes were sharp and swirling with emotion when they met hers.

"Mikasa," he greeted softly, his eyes not leaving hers.

Mikasa's stomach twisted strangely. She realized they hadn't actually spoken properly ever since - well ever since their little argument before, when Eren had been pretty furious with her.

'Nobody gives a fuck what you want!' Eren snarled, as she rubbed her stinging head. When she reached out to him, he shrugged her off .

His last gaze hadn't been particularly pleasant. She could tell that he resented her at that moment, though she wasn't sure why.

Thereafter, they had been separated, he had nearly gotten himself killed and then turned into a Titan instead, and saved her life - twice.

There was an awkward pause, as Eren seemed to be remembering their altercation as well, and was hesitating with what to say.

"Mikasa," he repeated, starting to slide off his bed, tugging slightly at the catheter.

"Eren, don't-"

He started to stand.

"Listen, Mikasa, I-"

"Eren!" she cried, grabbing his shoulders and pushing him back down on the bed, her protective instincts surging forward, "Stop moving! You're still weak! Just lie still in bed!"

And then his green eyes flashed, with that all-too familiar anger, and Mikasa's heart clenched.

"Shut up!" he growled, pushing her away, "Shut the fuck up! I'm not weak and I'm not a fucking baby you need to mother around all the time!"

Why does it always end up this way, Mikasa wondered sorrowfully, flinching slightly at his expression. He'd just woken up after going to hell and back, and he was already angry with her, again.

"Eren, I'm sorry, I just-"

"No! I don't want to hear it! You think I'm some weakling that you have to protect, but guess what Miss I-am-stronger-than-you - I saved you from the Titans, and from those jerks with the canons! I saved your life twice!"

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