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Hi Reader I need help for part 9 I've ran out of ideas... partly I know what I could add but it's not ganna get a hole book don't so here's another opportunity... please give me some ideas for the next chapter and credit will me mentioned don't worry.

Also again nearly 500 reads!? You guys (like I said for the 200) Are insane!

Also thanks for all your support with this and all your understanding for ummm what shall we call my dyslexic momentns? Please leave suggestions for what it could be called... TvT

And I can be a rest as I'm allowing it to happen but please do be sensible...

You guys keep putting me into tears with all your comments

Part 9 won't be started yet there'll be a short, holiday special and like always

Make sure your well hydrated and sleep well and enjoy your day and please go outside and eat healthy

Also remember no one but you can control your life and how you live it!

Bye special on its way!

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